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Riverrun 295 AC (seventh moon).

Catelyn Tully.

Her brother was useless, he tried his best she'd give him that, but he really was useless. She found herself taking on more and more of the duties of running not just the house, but of the Riverlands themselves, Edmure enjoying the trappings of being a lord more so than the actual realities of being a lord. Though perhaps his biggest failing was turning out to be a blessing in disguise for her.

Try as she might she had been unable not just to get Edmure to wed, but to get him to consider being wed. Not that there were any ladies of great repute beating down the doors of Riverrun to try and become the Lady of the Riverlands. At first, it irked her, both his reluctance and that there weren't more ladies looking for a match, had her house really fallen that much from grace? Was it her brother? Or was it simply that there weren't that many ladies of an age who were around?.

She had done the calculations in her head, Ysilla Royce from the Vale, one of the Florent's or Redwynes, though given Olenna Tyrell it would more than likely be the former. She doubted she could get someone from the West given the bastard's connection with the Lannister's and there were few if any in the Stormlands, which really just left the Riverlands. She actually found herself contemplating a Frey as apart from the Brackens few had daughters of an age.

In the end, though not only were none of her choices forthcoming but Edmure himself put a stop to it, declaring he'd not marry from a lower house nor was he ready to be married just yet. Her brother was far too busy bedding servants and whores, and while it offended her, it actually turned out fortuitous too. The simple truth was if he wed, then what was to be done with her? What was her place? As it was, for now, she was the lady of the Riverlands and had some power, should Edmure wed that would all but disappear.

"My lady, the figures you requested." Vyman said handing her the books.

"How are we fixed with our stores Maester?" she asked.

"We have a few moons supplies, my lady."

"Only a few moons?"

"Indeed, as per Lord Edmure's instructions my lady."

She nodded and sent Vyman on his way and had a servant go fetch their steward, Utherydes arriving a few moments later. Edmure had demoted the man basically and it had taken her time to be able to bring him back into her confidence, hopefully, the task she was given him would do that even more so.

"You sent for me my lady?"

"I did, I'd like you to take a look at the books Uther I need to know where our coin is going, why we're not spending more of it on our stocks."

"Of course my lady, do you intend to bring the stocks back to their previous level?"

"I do, I cannot understand why we've allowed them to slip so." she said shaking her head.

"Neither could your uncle my lady."

"My uncle spoke to you about stocks?"

"He did my lady, I informed him that I was no longer involved in them and so he reinstated me."

After Utherydes left she shook her head once again at her brother's stupidity though it was tempered by her feelings toward her uncle, he had deserted her, them, he hadn't stood up for her when she needed him to. Family, Duty, Honor all but forgotten as he rode back with her to Riverrun and then just left to go to the Vale. She had argued with him, pleaded with him, begged him even, yet he had just ignored her and told her that she like her brother was a disappointment.

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