The Dinner

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Lillian woke up mentally exhausted "morning" Aiden said Happily "morning" Lillian replied still not completely used to being able to see the ghost who had haunted her apartment from the beginning.

Lillian got up and got all of her clothes laid out, including the outfit she would be taking to Alec's parent's house. Lillian got dressed in her outfit she would ware until she had to get ready. She walked out and got her coffee from Aiden and started to check her alcohol supply "what are you doing?" Aiden asked sitting on her counter casually "I'm checking how much alcohol I have" Lillian said "why?" he asked "because by the end of the night Magnus might need it" Lillian said "why? What's going to happen?" Aiden asked, worried about the man. "Alec might break up with him by the end of the night" she said sadly "what why? they are the perfect couple!" Aiden exclaimed Lillian nodded "I know, Alec's parents are most likely going to make him choose between them and Magnus, we don't know who he will choose." Lillian said sadly and noticed she was out of things to make cocktails "I have to go to the store, if Magnus comes over tell him I'm at the store and make sure to not mention anything, he's already freaked out enough about it" Lillian said Aiden saluted her "ma'am yes ma'am, see you soon Kitten" he said "bye Aiden" she said and left the house to get lots of alcohol and different foods and ingredients for Magnus' favorite foods.

Lillian entered her house to hear voices, she saw Aiden and Magnus talking. He had a bag which probably contained different outfit choices. She put the things she bought away quickly and went to join the two boys "what time are you guys going to leave?" Aiden asked "around 5, but we need to start getting ready soon, I have a lot of options and different things in that bag" Magnus said Lillian checked the time to see it was almost two o'clock how long was she gone for? She wondered in shock. "Maybe we should start choosing an outfit" Lillian said knowing this task alone could take hours. "yeah, ok" Magnus said glumly, he was not looking forward to this dinner. Magnus laid out all his clothes some of them were his normal colorful attire and then there was clothes that Magnus wouldn't be caught dead in because it would be an insult to fashion to be so dull. "why are these even an option and where did they come from?" Lillian asked her friend "I bought them because I know Alec's parents already don't like me and I know I make it even worse with how I dress, so think I should tone to down for Alec's sake" Magnus said Lillian made a sound of disapproval. In the end they made the choice that Lillian didn't really approve of, it was a dull black button up and some black skinny jeans his shoes a normal Adidas shoe. To sum it all up, it wasn't him. He at least did his makeup but even that wasn't as extravagant. He had on his usual cat eye look with the eyeliner and some glittery eye shadow. Glitter was in his hair as well which was styled into spikes. But the thing that made Lillian the most mad was the contacts. Magnus had put in brown contacts to cover his eyes, Alec was not going to be happy with Magnus at all, Magnus just wanted to make his parents like him so he could stay with Alec, he was convinced Alec would choose his parents and was desperate to keep Alec in his life.

Lillian on the other hand was not as nice, she put on a black cropped shirt and her leather jacket with ripped black jeans. she did a smoky eye look and dark red lipstick that was almost a burgundy. Both Lillian and Aiden tried to object the contacts and while Magnus wasn't looking Lillian packed her bag with clothes Magnus would normally wear and the contact case so he could take them out.

They knocked on the door after the short drive to Alec's parent's house. Lillian knocked while Magnus fiddled with his rings. Izzy opened the door "what's wrong with your eyes?" she asked immediately then looked at his outfit "and what are you wearing?" She asked Lillian was smug "I told you so" she said Magnus shrugged it off "I figured your parents would give me a chance if I was well, less me" Magnus confessed Izzy looked shocked "Alec isn't going to be happy" she said "I told him that too" Lillian agreed Magnus once again shrugged it off and the two entered the house there was footsteps and Jace appeared "hey, mom is almost done with dinner" he said then caught a glimpse of Magnus and took a double take "what's wrong with your eyes and why do you look so, well dull?" he asked Magnus rolled his eyes and replied with the same answer he gave Izzy "Alec's not going to like it" Jace said repeating the same thing Izzy said "I'm not going to like what?" Alec asked "your boyfriend" Jace replied "what did he do?" Alec asked turning the corner and stared at Magnus in shock "why-what? I hate it" he said fumbling over his words and stepped forward "what happened to your eyes? Why do you look so dull? You're Magnus Bane! This isn't the Magnus I know, this isn't my Magnus. Why do you look like this?" Alec asked Magnus sighed "what si wrong with him? This si much better than the person you described." Maryse said Lillian glared at her "yes it's also completely fake, Magnus go change" Lillian said "but-" he tried "go change" Alec said "and if you don't come back the Magnus Bane I fell for then I'm sending Lillian in with you" Alec said Magnus sighed not happy at all. Izzy led him to the bathroom. "why did he look like that" Alec asked confused and upset "he wanted to make it easier for your parents to like him, he doesn't want to lose you" Lillian said "what was wrong with the way he looked?" Maryse asked "it's not him, his eyes are not that color and he never dresses like that" Lillian said Maryse studied her and was very disapproving of her outfit.

Magnus came back and was dressed in a tight multi colored silk shirt and unbelievable tight purple skinny jeans, but most importantly he was back to his cat eyed self. Alec smiled at him and gave him a peck, "there he is" Alec said Maryse looked at him in horror "what type of disease do you have?" she asked "Cat Eye Syndrome, more commonly know as CES" Magnus said blankly. His eyes can be a touchy subject "and they are beautiful" Alec said Magnus just remained silent "well, let's go eat dinner" Maryse said. The entire night slurs were thrown towards Magnus until his patience finally snapped "Seriously Alec did you have to get involved with a Mexican? You deserve better" Maryse said in a snotty voice "look if you're going to make a racial slur a least be accurate! I am Indonesian it's in Asia in case you and your small mind didn't know that." Magnus snapped and stood up and went to walk out when Alec dove for his arm "Magnus stay, it's about time you stopped biting your tongue! Magnus you're a passionate person do not change yourself for my parents" Alec muttered to him Magnus reluctantly agreed after Lillian pulled his arm down so he would sit "so do we have the real Magnus back now?" Izzy asked Magnus nodded "look, I have tried to keep my mouth shut and be a completely different person just to make you happy but if you're not even going to give me a chance or approve then I might as well not fake it. Your views are outdated and close minded. And the whole high and mighty act coming from you of all people is just disgraceful, you are not saints and you definitely don't deserve the praise you have received from the public. I know about the activities you were up to when you were their age and they are doing a hell of a lot better than you will. You disgraced the Lightwood name all on your own, not your children. So shut up and stop insulting your amazing children! If you can't see how amazing they are then shame on you, it's your loss" Magnus ranted absolutely livid Maryse and Robert glared at him "what were you doing while you were our age?" Izzy asked "get out" Maryse said ignoring her daughter's words Magnus stared at her in the eye "gladly" he got up despite everyone's protests, Alec grabbed is arm and Magnus got out of his grip and continued walking Lillian followed quietly, she was absolutely livid and she knew if anyone so much as looked at he wrong they would be getting all her anger. "Magnus wait!" Alec exclaimed out of breath from running after him the rest of the family followed "Magnus please don't go" Alec begged "Alexander Gideon Lightwood get in this house right now, you will not be seeing this man again" Maryse said "No! I love him, I will not let him walk away! Alec said defiantly shocking everyone "Alexander if you go with him, then you will no longer be part of this family. Choose your family, or your little boyfriend." Maryse said Magnus was defeated and just staying strong until he was in the car, he knew that family was one of the most important things in the world to Alec. Alec looked at Izzy who nodded "I choose Magnus" he said shocking everyone except Izzy. "what? Alexander think about what you're doing." Magnus said slowly, not wanting to convince Alec otherwise but not wanting Alec to regret his decision and grow to resent him. "I have, Magnus I choose to be with you, I love you." Alec said "leave, don't come back" Maryse said "I never want to see you near either of my children" she added Alec looked at Izzy again and nodded, they had planned for it.

Alec got in the car and looked out the window.               

AidenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora