Thank me, thank you

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"Thank you thank you, that's all I can say" - SEVENTEEN "thanks"
(Stan seventeen)

"I can't believe you!"

Jake hisses from pain as Allan applies some random alcohol soaked cloth to his wounds.

"I can't believe this! He ended up in the hospital!"

Allan continues nagging the poor boy, cutting some more cloth in the process. Angrily throwing away the scissors and approaching Jake again.

"Do you have any idea how lucky you are? I still can't believe that nobody called the police!? You would have been in some deep sh*t!"

Allan had forgotten about formalities when it came to Jake. He was just so angry, and maybe even used to speaking so casually with him. Ever since the talk outside school, or maybe that eventful bus ride... things just seemed more comfortable between the two now.

Maybe it was because Allan had stayed behind, even when Jake had expected him to run away like he was supposed to. It's weird how Jake still finds Allan's different behavior surprising. It shouldn't be surprising after almost six weeks.

Currently Allan was thinking of other things than their relationship though. Jake was bruised, but Dorian was hospitalized.

That meant that Jake had won.

Everyone thought Jake was fighting for his honor, or maybe just for his position. Allan knew he was fighting to protect him, no matter how egotistic that may sound. It warmed his heart more than it should.

Jake dared to look up at Allan for the first time since the fight, and saw him angrily cleaning away the medical supplies. Seeing him angry was definitely new. Usually Allan was very calm and collected. He always seemed to be able to calculate each passing moment, and how everything was going to play out for him.

Allan's overall mood was very different this time, there is no doubt.

"Calm down Allan... Dorian had it coming for him, and he did land the first hit..."

Jakes voice was small, like he was calming a tiger, and he looked up at Allan with a tiny smile.

It was the first time he had smiled to Allan. The blond could not believe it was under these circumstances!

They look at each other for a moment, and Allan calmed himself down. It was like time slowed down again, and they found silent comfort in each others eyes.

Jake stared curiously into Allan's eyes, the eyes he had learned to both fear and admire over time. The deep green irises that seemed both safe and wild on the same time.

Allan however, found Jakes soft brown irises calming. He was reminded that they were safe now, Dorian wasn't with them right now, in fact- nobody was.

They were alone, and that comforted both of them. For once they could forget about formalities and just focus on the true mystery at hand. The only thing that truly mattered, deep down. It was them.

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