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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for being gone so long! Things have just been crazy recently and I haven't had much time to myself recently, but I managed to get this chapter done for you all to enjoy!
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 11K READS AND ALL THE VOTES I LOVE YOU ALL. I wanted to make sure to have another chapter out as a thank you, I appreciate you waiting for me :)
Little disclaimer: I'm well aware that MRI scans aren't normally supposed to hurt, but this is based on my personal experience. The way my arm is angled when I get these scans done makes my arm KILL sooo love that for me! I was slightly nervous about this chapter because it hits home for me and made me quite sad about my own hand problem, but I still enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy :)

"Are you ready to go oppa?" you called from the living room, where you were currently sitting with Jeongin, Felix, Seungmin and Changbin as they watched a movie. You were waiting for Minho to finish getting ready so that he could take you for your MRI scan.

Since it was technically a day off for you guys, most of the boys were at home. Only a few of them were at the company for lessons and Chan had also gone for a few hours, deciding to spend some time producing more music but reassuring you that he would be back before you in order to take care of you with the other boys.

"Ready!" Minho shouted as he left his room in a hurry, tapping you on the nose in a silent apology for making you wait as he walked past you to grab his mask. You scrunched your nose cutely with a smile as a response in order to reassure him that it was okay, before making your way to the door with only your mask and phone in your hand, ready to leave.

Both the company staff and your members decided it would be a good idea for you to have an MRI checkup and a physiotherapy session for your hand, mainly because of the amount of strain you had been putting on it since your group's debut. You have been practicing more vigorously and doing performances and attending events that meant you were using your hand a lot more than you had done previously, so the boys and the company just wanted to make sure everything was okay and that you had some time in physiotherapy where you could get some help with easing the pain slightly if possible.

The company arranged for you to have the MRI scan first to see what the state of your hand is currently looking like, and then a physiotherapy session a few days later so that you would have your results from the scan by the time you go.

You were honestly dreading the scan, partially because the lack of space makes you nervous, but mainly because of how much pain it causes you. You were well aware that for most people a simple MRI is definitely not supposed to hurt, but the position your arm is kept at always makes it ache. Staying still in such an uncomfortable angle for so long always makes you lose the feeling in your arm, and once the numbness subsides, it's really painful for the next few days to the point where you're unable to use it at all for a while.

The boys knew how much pain these scans cause you, so they made sure that the company had made the appointment on a day where you wouldn't have any schedules for at least a day or two after the scan. That way you could rest, and they could also take care of you. Since the main promotions for the debut album were over, your schedules hadn't been too busy recently so the company decided it would be the perfect time for you to get your hand checked.

You wore a really comfortable outfit, consisting of one of the boys white t-shirts which was so big on you that it looked like a dress, some black leggings, and a pair of comfortable trainers. Your hair was in a ponytail so it wouldn't bother you, and you weren't wearing any makeup or jewellery, only your glasses which you would give to Minho when you go in for your scan since they were metal and would interfere with the machinery.

The two of you made your way to the medical centre where your appointment would be, the walk being mostly peaceful aside from your slight nervousness. You honestly weren't sure about what the state of your hand would be like. It had been hurting a lot more recently, but you had grown used to the pain because of the fact that you've had this issue for around three years. You've just learnt to not get angry about it anymore, because there's no way to get rid of the problem, only ways to ease the pain. Minho, sensing your anxiety, made sure to hold your hand and keep you smiling on the way to the appointment, an action you greatly appreciated.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now