the 9th (season 2 - episode 2)

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A/N: Not proofread, sorry in advance :'D

You were back in the minibus as you waited for the staff members to start filming once again, this time sitting in Minho's lap. Your team had arrived back at the bus first so he let you sit in his lap because the boys all knew you found it more comfortable, despite there being free seats beside you. Once the other team returned to the bus you just stayed in Minho's lap while everybody else went to the seats they were originally in on the way there.

Once the camera was switched on you briefed each other about where you went before discussing the photos you all took, since you had all been given a mission to take a creative photo at the places you visited. The 00 team showed their photos first, all of you giggling at the photo where they placed the crepes they bought under their chins to make themselves look like Changbin.

You eventually got distracted by how good the food looked, unknowingly cutting off whoever was speaking because of your excitement.
"Our photo is really creati-"
"Wahh the crepes look so good," you say, causing a shocked Jisung to look over at you before everybody started laughing.

You flushed and apologised after realising that you'd cut him off, but he was quick to pinch your cheek with a laugh to reassure you that it was okay. After he finished with what he was saying, you guys then showed the 00 team what photos you had taken.

You guys were standing on the platform at the back of the store with the small crowd that had begun to grow shortly after you guys entered the store. You were smiling and waving at the fans while the boys were trying to think of a creative photo to take for the mission, and they all excitedly waved back and gushed at your adorable smile. An idea suddenly popped into your head at the action, you moving over to Chan with a smile.

"Oppa," you say as you gently tug his sleeve to get his attention. He looks down at you with a smile, while the others continue thinking of ideas for what kind of photos to take.
"How about if we took pictures with the fans?" you ask.
He grins at you, clearly loving the idea, and mentions it to the others who enthusiastically agree to the suggestion.

He asks the staff for permission and luckily they agree, so you all get down from the small platform you were on to stand closer to the fans. This earns multiple screams, causing the five of you to smile before motioning for the fans to do the Stray Kids hand sign. You were at the front between Minho and Changbin as you took a few photos like that, before taking a few more with all of you throwing hearts at the camera this time.

You spent a little bit of time walking around the area after your visit to Tower Records since you guys had finished earlier than expected, buying some fries to eat as you enjoyed the free time. You weren't feeling too hungry at the time so you just ate a few when one of the boys fed or offered them to you, letting them enjoy the rest. You were still holding Chan's hand as you walked. After a while you guys decided it would be a good time to head back to the bus to meet up with the other team to discuss the photos you took.

You guys spent a while arguing about which photo was better and neither of the two teams were letting up about who's was more creative, so you decided to take matters into your own hands.

"Oppa," you called out to Jisung, gaining everyone's attention.
"Are you still going to argue that your picture is better?" you asked, the boys in your team smirking when they understood what you were doing.
"You know Eun is the one who came up with the idea for our picture, right?" Chan asked the 00 team, and instantly their demeanours change at the revelation and they stop arguing.

"Ahh, really? Well if it was Byeol's idea then I guess we can't argue anymore. You win," Hyunjin says, the other boys on his team agreeing wholeheartedly and immediately accepting defeat. The boys on your team laugh while you just sit there with a smug expression on your face at the fact that they backed down as soon as your name had been mentioned. They were honestly so whipped for you.

After the staff members had all voted amongst themselves and confirmed that your team's picture was the winner for that mission, they announced that you would all be going to a convenience store. Since your team had won, you were given more money to spend there compared to the 00 team.

Not wanting Jeongin to move again, you reassured him that you didn't mind sitting in the single seat in front of Hyunjin as you guys travelled to the convenience store. The drive ended up being fairly short anyways.

When you got to the convenience store you walked around and picked up a few snacks, including the ones you noticed the 00 team looking at but couldn't buy due to the small amount of money they'd been given. Since you knew you wouldn't be able to eat everything you bought, you thought it would be nice to at least get something for the boys who did want to eat. You guys paid for all the snacks you bought before making your way to the Japanese branch of JYPE to continue with filming for the rest of the episode.

When you got there you guys sat down in one of the meeting rooms, you between Changbin and Chan. While the staff members were sorting out the cameras, you gave the snacks that you bought for the 00 team to them, throwing a wink and a cute smile at their shocked expressions to show that you didn't mind. They refused at first, but eventually gave you grateful smiles when you reassured them. You knew the other boys on your team would have shared their snacks with you either way, so it was good that you had given some to the boys who were actually hungry.

You then went around the table showing the others what each of you bought from the convenience store, before all go you decided to hold a small talent show for the 00 teams so the best one would be able to get some more food.

Jisung started the game strong by doing a cute version of his rap from District 9, followed by Felix who sang a tone deaf version of the chorus. You all erupted into giggles at Felix's straight face despite him being clearly embarrassed, you moving to bury your face into Changbin's shoulder because of how much you were laughing.

Hyunjin was next after you guys were finally able to stop laughing, and he decided to also do a cute version of his rap.
"It's okay oppa, it was cute," you say through your giggles as he proceeded to face plant a nearby sofa out of embarrassment.
Seungmin then did an embarrassing version of his part that you would rather not experience or think about again, but it was still able to make you guys laugh regardless.

Once you were able to calm down from all the laughter, you all decided to vote. Hyunjin ended being the winner by getting the majority of votes from your team.

When you had finally opened and started eating your snacks, you were stopped shortly after by the staff members. They told you that you could instead go to the ramen restaurant that your team had found earlier that day, causing all of you to cheer excitedly. You ate a few of the snacks that you had already opened, before leaving to go to the restaurant. You were sat between Seungmin and Jisung, who took a few bites of your food since you weren't able to finish it yourself.

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