Chapter 8

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Allison's POV


I was nervous to be with Becca on this four hours road trip for the first time. She told me she was going to attend a family dinner at Jordan's house because that was a regular thing to do every month and today was Jordan's turn. Also, we were going to sleep at Jordan's and we were supposed to go home tomorrow afternoon.

Becca asked me since she said it was okay to invite someone close and I was fluttered because she considered me a close friend of her. She said Steph was refusing her and Steph had another date with Taylor so she invited me.

"You ready?" Becca asked me right after I placed my butt on the passenger seat.

"Yeah." I replied, smiling. "Tell me if you're tired, I'll drive."

"Nah, it's okay." Becca smiled. "I'm used to it. I drive all alone all this time."

Then Becca started the engine. We talked about a lot of stuff, laughing, joking and mocking each other and I found a comfort in her. And suddenly I found her more attractive when she laughed so hard, her dimples appeared.

We stopped to have lunch together. I insisted to pay and that was where I learned something about Becca. She liked to mix the ketchup and the mayonnaise and I found it funny but she argued with me because of that, I laughed at her.

"You should try this." Becca said.

"No, thanks." I stuck out my tongue and she giggled.

"Do you want to grab some chips and beverages? It's still two hours away. I'm afraid you'll die in boredom." Becca said, wiping the corner of her mouth.

"Nah, I'm full." I replied.

"Alright, let's go." Becca stood up and she grabbed my hand unconsciously.

I looked up to see her and our hand back and forth, Becca didn't notice this so I shrugged it off. To be honest, I was enjoying this. I let her held my hand until we reached her car and before she unlocked the door, she let go of my hand with a shock expression on her face.

"I'm sorry!" She exclaimed. "I didn't know I held your hand all the way here."

I laughed. "It's okay, Bec. I didn't want to ruin your moment. And for the record, I don't mind." I closed my statement with a wink which made Becca's mouth agape. I chuckled.

Becca unlocked the door and I hopped in her car. Realizing I was just flirting with her, I mentally groaned, I was never this brave though. I was a shy person, but when I was with Becca, I felt like I could be myself completely like I wasn't afraid of her judgment.

We drove in silence at first but she talked to me eventually and we talked like nothing happened but it was a good one. Maybe because both of us knew that if we brought it up, there would be an awkward moment and both of us were smart enough not to ruin this perfect moment.

Then two hours later we arrived at a place I knew so well back then. I stayed in the car for another five minutes while Becca was busy taking out our bags. This place seemed so familiar and I felt like I was home. I smiled, there was no different from what I could remember, it just got a little bit bigger in the back but in the front was still the same.

"I don't know why but I didn't tell my aunt about you coming over with me." Becca smiled. "I know somewhat you're close to my aunt."

I grinned. "I didn't bring anything to surprise her."

"Yourself is enough to make her surprise and you will make her happy." Becca said and I felt like I was being pulled by something, I hugged Becca all of sudden to tell her a thank you since I didn't have a courage to tell her directly.

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