Chapter one

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Saiges POV

"Charlie! Get that disgusting thing out of my face!" I scream at the laughing boy.

"Come on Saige! Just give it a try!" He says with an adorable grin stuck on his face.

We were currently sitting in the makeup trailer at 7:00 in the morning. I was beyond tired but Charlie was always wide awake no matter what time it was.

"Just try it. You will never know if you don't try it!" He yells playfully as he eats his eggs with peanut butter.

"I already know I won't like that and I have no interest in throwing up." I say as I smile at him.

He playfully rolls his eyes as he places a spoon full of eggs and peanut butter into his mouth.

"Delicious." He says with a mouth full of food.

I sigh as I feel a familiar makeup brush against my skin.

"Leave her alone Charlie." Mrs. Brooks says as she starts doing my makeup.

"Hey.. I'm just trying to change her life and expand her food experiences." Charlie says defensively.

I sigh as I look around the makeup trailer. Me and Charlie were always the first ones on set therefore no one else would show up for another 30 minutes which is probably why we have grown so close over the past couple weeks of filming.

"Here comes the airplane." Charlie says playfully as he hovered over my shoulder with the spoon.

"Charlie!" I squeal as he brings the spoon up to my mouth.

He places the spoon gently into my mouth against my will as I laugh. The second I taste the peanut butter I immediately spit it out onto the counter in front of me. It tasted horrific.

"It's not for everyone!" Charlie yells as he laughs his butt off.

I smack his arm as he sits back in his chair. He places the spoon back into his eggs and starts eating them as if nothing happened. I feel my heart quicken as I realize he placed the spoon he had used in my mouth.

"Clean that up!" Mrs. Brooks yells at Charlie as we both hold back laughter.

She quickly walks out of the trailer to get more supplies leaving me and Charlie alone.

"Alright." Charlie mumbles as he quickly gets up and grabs some paper towels.

Charlie leans over my body and starts cleaning off the counter.

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tried to force feed me like a child." I say playfully.

"You are the one that has horrible taste buds." He says defensively.

"Your taste buds are obviously burned or non existent." I say as I laugh at him.

He stops cleaning and looks down at me as he leaned his body against the counter.

"You look nice today." He says softly as he smiles at me.

I look down as I try and hide my blushing face.

"Thanks." I mumble softly.

He quickly gets up off of the counter and walks behind me. He has an adorable smile stuck on his face as he turns on his speaker.

"Don't turn it up too loud." I say as I laugh.

Charlie just shakes his head as he starts blasting music from his speaker. I start dancing in my seat as Charlie dances next to the speaker. I can't help but admire how adorable he is. He looks up at me and quickly runs over to me.

"Get on my back." He yells over the music.

I shake my head as he bends down in front of me. I jump on his back and feel his arms tightly wrap around my legs. He runs back and forth through the small trailer as we both yell along to the song.

"Ooooh. Am I interrupting something?" Owen's voice echoes through the trailer causing Charlie to stop running back and forth.

"Just getting ready for today." Charlie replies softly as he sets me down.

"Since when do you get here early." I say playfully as I sit back down in my chair.

"I actually woke up today." Owen says as he laughs.

"Where did Mrs. Brooks go?" Charlie asks as he looks around.

"To get supplies but she probably said that so she could get away from you cause your annoying." I say playfully causing Charlie's jaw to drop.

He walks over to me and starts playing with my hair.

"I'm now your hair stylist." Charlie says playfully as he starts running his hands through my hair.

His touch was so gentle, I felt so calm and safe as his hands touched my hair.

"I'm taking a nap." Owen mumbles as he lays down on the couch.

Me and Charlie both laugh. I look at Charlie in the mirror in front of me and see he is already staring at me. I quickly look away and look down at my hands. I can't catch feelings for one of my cast members.

Here's part one I will try and update this as frequently as I can - probably will end up every two days or every day just depends on school 🥰 - also I literally am so in love with Charlie 😩

Charlie Gillespie~ Hidden Feelings Where stories live. Discover now