Chapter seven

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(Sorry I haven't updated this story I have been so busy but I'm happy that I have time to write it today also I started an owen story that I will try and upload pretty frequently so check that out also🥰)

(The song at the top is playing during the scene so you can hit play when I tell you to if you want 💓)

Saiges POV

"I'm here with Charlie and we are going to be baking a cake." I say in an excited tone.

"Yay." Charlie says softly causing me to laugh.

I set up my camera in my kitchen to film a YouTube video. It was a Saturday so we were not filming today so Charlie asked me to hang out so we decided to film a video of us baking.

"Alright Charles..." I begin to say but Charlie interrupts me.

"Don't call me Charles." He says causing me to laugh.

"It sounds gross but I like to say it cause you don't like it." I say playfully causing him to roll his eyes.

"Fine I am here with Charlie!" I yell as I clap my hands.

"Hey how you doin?" He says to the camera causing me to laugh.

"Anyways! We are going to start making the cake." I say as I grab the ingredients.

Charlie watches me carefully as I start pouring the ingredients in the bowl. He starts playing a beat on the counter causing me to start dancing. Charlie starts wrapping to the beat.

"We are cooking in the kitchen today so we just wanted to say hey, I'm with the best girl in the world, I bet this cake is gonna end up looking like a turd." Charlie sings causing me to start dying.

"Those lyrics were lokey fire." I say playfully as I start crack the eggs.

"I know. I'm just amazing." Charlie says playfully.

"Put two cups of flour in the bowl." I instruct Charlie as I read the instructions.

Charlie leans in front of me to grab the flower and then starts pouring it into a measuring cup. His body was leaning against mine as he focused on pouring the flour. He accidentally started overflowing the cup causing it to spill all over the floor.

"Charles!" I yell in a British accent.

"Oop." Charlie whispers nervously.

I stare into his eyes as we both break into a fit of laughter. I lean my body against Charlie's as we both try and catch our breath.

"Why didn't you pour it over the bowl?" I ask him as I continue to struggle to breathe.

"I didn't want any of it to fall in the bowl." He replies defensively.

"Idiot." I say softly causing him to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

I continued to laugh as my body was now upside down.

"Charlie! Put me down." I yell as my body hung from his shoulder.

"You gotta apologize for calling me an idiot." He says playfully.

"Okay sorry that you are an idiot." I say as I break out into laughter.

He sighs as he sets me down.

"Alright. I need to clean that up." I say as I point to the flour on the ground.

"Don't. I'll get it." Charlie reassures me as he walks out of the kitchen.

"He doesn't know where my broom is." I whisper to the camera as I wait for Charlie to return.

"Saige! I don't know where any of your cleaning stuff is!" Charlie yells causing me to laugh.

I quickly show him where the broom is and he starts cleaning up the mess.

"I feel like Cinderella. Saige bully's me....she makes me clean." Charlie says softly.

"Excuse me. You offered to clean I didn't make you." I say defensively.

"Okay that's true." Charlie says as he finishes cleaning up.

"Now back to the cooking." I say in an excited tone.

"Whisking time." I tell Charlie as I grab my whisk.

I start whisking it but I was going so slow.

"Are you in slow motion?" Charlie asks sarcastically.

I glare at him and continue to stir it slowly.

"Let me help." Charlie says softly as he places his hands on mine.

He starts moving the whisk at a fast speed as he keeps his hands on mine. I feel sparks enter my body as I feel the gentle touch of his hands on mine.

"There you go." He says softly as he lets go of my hand.

I knew for a fact my face was bright red so I quickly looked down into the bowl.

"Looks perfect!" I say as I try and not think about Charlie.

"Now we place it in the pan." Charlie says as he grabs a pan.

He goes to pick up the batter with his hands causing me to gasp.

"Stop." I say in disbelief.

"What? They are clean." He says innocently.

I shake my head as I hand him a spoon.

"Use a spoon you animal." I say as I tease him.

He sighs as he takes the spoon and scoops the batter into the pan.

"I'm scared of putting things in the oven." I say as Charlie places the pan in the oven for me.

"I'm scared of like someone shoving me in an oven." Charlie admits causing me to laugh.

"That's concerning." I say as I shake my head at the thought.

"What do we do while we wait?" Charlie says impatiently.

"I don't know... watch a movie." I mumble as I rest my head on the counter.

"Or......" Charlie says with a smile on his face.

"Or what?" I ask him softly.

"We could dance." He says as he grabs both of my hands.

I shake my head as a smile forms on my face. (Start the song if you want 💓)
Charlie plays a slow song off his phone as he spins me into his arms. He places one hand on my waist and the other on my arm. We sway back and forth as we move to the music. My eyes were focused on my feet but I felt Charlie's eyes on me causing me to blush. My eyes met him and I got lost in his eyes. He spun me away from him as he still had a smile stuck on his face. We continued to move our bodies in synch as our eyes stayed locked on one another. Charlie's eyes glanced down at my lips causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. He spun me away and then back into his arms. Our faces were now inches apart as we both took deep breaths. He kept his eyes on mine as we stared at each other. My eyes were glued on his as I couldn't bring myself to look away. His eyes glanced at my lips again and I immediately thought about leaning in. I wanted to kiss him so badly in this moment. I quickly looked away from him and realized the camera was still filming.

"Oop." I say awkwardly as I let go of his hands.

I quickly turn off my camera.

"You can put that in the video." Charlie says softly as he sits up on the counter.

I wanna dance with Charlie 😩

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