EIGHT: Birth-day

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(30th May, 2011)

I woke up to the sound of Naomi crying, I bolted up to see her in the cot beside me and walkers trying to get through the cell door at us. "What the shit happened in the last two hours?" I question, I see that Daryl left me his keys to get out when I woke up. I grabbed my knife, took out the walkers at the door, I strapped Naomi to my chest, took off my sling and stretched it. I was capable to use my bow again, I grabbed it unlocked the doors and went to search for the others. I ran straight outside to see walkers in the yard, "fuck." I kick open the gate, climb on top of the cage and began to shoot down the walkers.

Rick was shouting, I couldn't see anyone but walkers, I jumped down and continued to take the walkers out. When I rounded the corner I saw T-Dog and Carol disappear as Rick, Glenn and Daryl arrived helping me with the rest of the walkers. I hear Beth and Hershel give Rick information on Lori and Carl, "what about Noel?" I asked them, "we haven't seen him all day." Beth admits, "no, no, no." I paced panicking, I rush up the steps to Beth and Hershel, "take her please." I ask as I unstrap Naomi from my chest, Beth opens their cage and takes Naomi.

The alarm sounds, I pull out my gun and start shooting out the speakers with Rick and Glenn. Rick approaches Axel and Oscar asking them how the hell is the alarm sounding. Oscar gives him a brief explanation before Rick tells them to come with us. We split up in search of the others after I told Rick they weren't in the cell block when I woke up. "NYX!" A yell echoed, I took off towards Noel who was calling my name. I heard lots of banging as he called out for me, I see the same storage room I hid in when we were searching for the cafeteria this morning.

There was 10 walkers with their backs to me, I took them all down slightly opening the door and grabbing a hold of Noel. I run him out to Hershel, Naomi and Beth, "I've got to help find the rest. Stay Alive." I told Noel, he repeated 'stay alive' to me before I ran to the door I watched Carol and T-Dog go through. My flashlight and knife in hand, I ran through the corridors in search of Carl, Lori, Maggie, Carol and T-Dog. I see a group of walkers ahead of me banging on a door, I took out all of them, running to the door and knocking, "it's Nyx." I called through the door, I spun around when I heard walkers coming, I started to shoot them down before being pulled into the room by Daryl, just as the alarm stopped.

"Have you found anyone?" I asked Daryl as I dusted myself off, Daryl shook his head no. I see the prisoner that dislocated my shoulder with a bat, dead on the ground, he was behind this. "I found Noel, he's with Hershel and Beth now, I was tracking Carol and T-Dog when I saw the walkers trying to get in here." I informed him, "what happened exactly in the two hours I've been asleep?" I questioned them, "Nyx, you've been asleep for a week." Daryl informs me, I was stunned but quickly shook myself, "come on, we still have people to find." I opened the door for Rick, Oscar, and Daryl to go out in front of me.

I followed them down a corridor, we unintentionally linked up with Glenn and Axel just before we found two walkers eating T-Dog. Daryl picked up a women's scarf to which I assume was Carol's by his face, "there's no body, she could've gotten away." I tried to reason with Daryl, he held up his hand to my face and told me to drop it. I closed my mouth, Rick decided to go check with Hershel and Beth, and see if the others made their way back outside.

"You didn't find them," Hershel stated as he saw us return, "we thought they come out here." Glenn admitted Beth and Hershel shook their heads no, "what about T? Carol?" Hershel asks, Daryl informed them that they didn't make it. "That doesn't mean the others didn't, Noel you're with me." I spoke up, Noel nodded and we went to rush to the cage for the C Block when I saw Maggie, Carl and a baby in Maggie's hands. Carl looked devastated, Maggie was in tears and taking shallow breaths whilst the baby cooed. I saw the blood all over Maggie's hands and knew straight away what had happened, Noel hugged me from the side as he tried to hold back tears.

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