TWENTY-SEVEN: Oliver's Threat

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(30th June, 2011)

"NYX WAKE UP!" Noel let out a shouts vigorously shaking my shoulders, I sprung to my feet and pulled out my knife before I realise Noel is calm and smiling at me, "what's going on?" I ask him still half asleep as I tucked my knife away. "It's your birthday! You're 15." Noel chimes, I groan and crawl back into bed pulling the blankets over me and blocking the light as well as Noel. "Why so early?" I whispered to him angrily once I saw it was 8am. For the past three days I've been pulling all-nighters due to either having patrol or watch or joining Carl on watch.

"The others told me to wait another hour but I was too excited for the party." I roll my eyes, reminding Noel that we don't throw parties for birthdays because they're too loud. Then I heard a loud gunshot, I jump up not caring that I'm in my pyjamas as I run to the sound. I see Sydney in the last cell of C, a bullet hole between her eyes and Oliver shaking standing over her with a gun outstretched.

I slowly place my hand on the gun, lowering it before taking it off Oliver, who was now broken out of his shocked trance and looked at me with rage filled eyes. Before I could blink Oliver tackled me to the ground, I threw my hands in front of my face to shield his punches as he repeatedly hits me. The first three hurt a lot, but slowly each punch had less power. Oliver was now sobbing as he straddled me his fists brushing against my arms. I slowly take a hold of Oliver's two wrists, flipping us over and then I stood up, as Oliver's body shook in devastation. I slowly help him up off the floor and walk him away from the crowd of onlookers, that consisted of a lot of angry looking people.

I walked him into a cell, helped him lay down before pulling out a picture I took yesterday. "Here, so you'll always have a piece of her with you." I slipped the polaroid into Oliver's hand, the picture was him and Sydney, Oliver had his arm wrapped around her and the both of them were laughing. "T-th-thank you, I-I'm s-s-sorry for, for hitting you." Oliver stumbled and choked on his tears, "I forgive you.." I whisper to him before walking out of the cell.

I spot Danny nearby we make eye contact and I nudged my head towards the cell door, telling Danny to go comfort his friend without words. Danny slowly made his way into the cell Oliver was in as I made my way to the eating area for breakfast. "Let me see." Daryl grabbed my arms raising them to display the bruises Oliver left on my skin, "I'mma kill him." I grabbed Daryl's wrist stopping him from going anywhere, "he just had to shoot his girlfriend in the head, leave him be." Daryl hesitated but seeing the look on my face, he sighs and nods sitting back down and letting me sit down next to him.

I scan the courtyard, there was so much tension in the air, people sent me some sympathetic look, my eyes still as I see Tyreese and George filling in Sydney's grave, a frown etched its way onto my face. "You okay Nyx?" Noel questions, I flinched as he poked my bruises, "I'm fine just stop poking." Noel stopped, I tear my eyes away from her grave. I do feel responsible for Sydney's death, after the Butlers turned I should've did a cell block inspection to make sure no one was bitten. I could've saved her if I would've just searched them, I would've found the bite, organise someone to put Mrs McLeod down before she turned.

"Stop that." Carl spoke, using his spoon to gesture to the look on my face, "it wasn't you fault." Carl told me, I sigh and looked down at my food playing with it with my spoon. "If I was more cautious after the Butlers, she might still be alive right now." I admit that Carl was right on suggesting I was blaming myself and how much guilt I was rolling around with in my thoughts. "Don't think like that Nyx, when it's your time to go, it's your time to go, you can't prevent death." Beth spoke up, I wasn't the only surprised by her statement, it was very unlike Beth. "But you can save someone." I state shoving my breakfast away loosing my appetite once again, but Daryl shoved the food in front of me again, "finish that, you've barely eaten in the last three days." I went to argue that he was wrong, but I closed my mouth as it dawned on me that he was right. Whenever I saw Sydney or Oliver made a remark about me killing her, I would lose my appetite and give my food to someone else.

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