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"Yes, but still, what the hell? You not only cheated on me, but lied about it too!" Dominick's voice steadily grew in volume. His face was red as a tomato, and he was breathing heavily while tears rolled in streams down his cheeks.

It broke my heart.

I'm done lying about this. No more.

"I told you, I was drunk. I'm not gonna keep giving excuses as to why I did it, it's obviously not working well for me." I said, my voice cracking multiple times.

"Good, 'cuz I'm done. I can't take this anymore, I'm breaking it off. It's over." he said.

"Okay, but I'm sorry, and don't you forget that."

Dom wiped his eyes, then I thought he'd leave. He didn't. He walked over to me and hugged me. Tightly. I could feel him shaking with silent tears as I pulled him farther into my chest. "I loved you, don't you forget that."

He pulled my face down into a kiss. His lips were wet with the tears he'd been weeping. And I'd caused it. What was I?

When he pulled away, he looked away from me quickly, then ran from the room and slammed the door.

You (Dedicated to NarcissaAlexia)Where stories live. Discover now