chapter 10

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Rocky's pov
I begged skye over and over again all day
Skye's pov
Rocky was begging me to have sex with him all day long
And finally I said fine just stop bothering me and Rocky said yes it worked see you tonight in my pup house then I realized what I just said oh no no no this can't be what have I done well this secret will be mine and i shall never ever release it to the world
Normal pov
Skye went to play pup pup boogie with Zuma Rocky was recycling some old bottles he found on the beach and Rubble was at Mr Porter and he was all you can eat buffet and Ryder was hanging out with Katie and chase was on a mission in barkingburg
and slowly it was getting night time
Chase's pov
I was in barkingburg guarding the princess and the Earl while they were out shopping but I watched sweetie just in case she tries to steal the crown again but strange sweetie hasn't done anything wrong since I she asked me out and I said no to her it was getting late okay princess it's getting late we better get back to the castle the Earl agree and we got in in his truck and drove back to the castle
Rocky's pov
It was time I went to my pup and  went inside my pup hous and saw Skye's sexy body she was completely naked I got a boner just looking at her boobs oh yeah
1 hour later
Yeah that was the best sex I ever had Skye agreed we both panted

Sorry for skipping the socky  s*x scene I just don't like socky(Rock x Skye)

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