Chapter 16

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Ryder's pov
I was at the second floor of the lookout where I usually give orders to the pups when there are missions I was thinking how his gonna replace Marshall and Skye and Chase I couldn't prosec this alone I need help I took my pup pad and called my father and it ringed for a few seconds and then he answered he said hi Ryder how are things going with you're paw patrol I replied Well I've got good news and bad news wich would you like to hear first
He said good news first bad news last I said Good news is trigger's son chase has a little puppy and bad news.....what he said interrupting me Chase has a little puppy oh boy I'm sure trigger is proud maybe he's glad he's got a grandson wait you did tell him did you I said Not yet anyway the bad news is chase and his wife and his child and Marshall is leaving Adventure bay to go live in DC Washington with his father that's why I do want to tell his father then Ryder and his father heard something Ryder's Father ask what is that noise so Ryder went to the window and what he saw shocked him all his pups on the floor very injured and Marshall doing his best to help each one of them and he was limping so I said Dad you need to get here now and bring some doctors to he didn't hesitate he ended the call and got in his truck with a few doctor's and drove as fast as he could
Chase's pov
Skye I'm sorry I couldn't save you then Ryder came down the elevator and ask me Chase what happened I replied Some people with masks on their face came with a white van and the they start shooting and stabing us except for Skye and Max the took them and*coughs blood*.....Then Ryder silenced me and said that's inav I started crying and Ryder was comforting me he said There there shhh it's okay chase we'll find them okay for now try being calm then Ryder turned to Marshall and said Marshall you can take a break my father is on his way with doctor's can you keep comforting your brother Chase and Marshall nodded and then sat next to a crying chase and Marshall said cry chase just don't punish yourself

Then Ryder silenced me and said that's inav I started crying and Ryder was comforting me he said There there shhh it's okay chase we'll find them okay for now try being calm then Ryder turned to Marshall and said Marshall you can take a break my f...

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