13. Wherever Could Y/N Be?

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Y/N yawned as she rolled over in her sleep. Stiffness overtaking her, she stretched and sat up groggily. She looked around her generic bedroom and sighed in relief. "Even though it felt so real, getting kidnapped must have just been a bad dream. I mean, I'm in my own bedroom and only a yandere in an anime would be extreme enough to decorate their hostage's bedroom exactly like their own bedroom and I'm obviously not a generic anime protagonist because I eat jam on my toast."

Stretching again, Y/N swung her legs over the edge of her generic bed and stood up. "A piece of toast with jam actually sounds pretty good. I'll make myself one before I go to school like any other day."

Y/N let out a laugh when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her H/C hair was messy, and the school uniform that she must have accidentally fallen asleep in the previous night was wrinkled. Running her fingers through her tangled hair as she let out another yawn, (her protagonist armor protecting her from any adverse effects from being drugged and abducted by an innocent hydrangea bush.)

Walking to the door of her room Y/N pulled it open and made to step out into the hallway to go downstairs, but she froze her eyebrows wrinkling.

The hall looked nothing like the hall outside of her bedroom. Was she in a different house? She couldn't be, she had just woken up in her bedroom.

Y/N closed the door and looked around her bedroom. Everything looked the same, down to the generic number of pencils on her desk. Convincing herself that her eyes were playing tricks on her she opened the door again only to be met with the same unfamiliar hallway.

"What?" She muttered in confusion as she looked through the doorway out onto the same unfamiliar hallway. "That's not right," she said, closing the door again, (just like what she did with all her other problems.)

She opened and closed the door in rapid succession, hoping in vain to see some kind of change, but there was none. Curiosity, (and stupidity,) getting the best of her Y/N finally exited her bedroom, closing the door behind her for a final time.

It took her eyes several moments to process what she was seeing. The walls of the narrow hall were covered with different pictures of her, literally covered.

Feeling bemused instead of sick to her stomach like any normal person would have been in that situation, she wandered down the hall until she eventually reached a staircase.

She walked down the stairs and didn't run for the first window she saw, (unfortunately.) She found herself in a kitchen even more unfamiliar than the upstairs had been. The cabinets and the fridge had also been covered in a think layer of pictures of her. As had the countertops, and the floors.

Somehow still not freaking out, Y/N's attention immediately went to the one part of the room where her own face wasn't staring back at her. It was a plain but suspicious door that looked like it would lead to a serial killer's basement.

"Hmm, that door looks like I probably don't want to know what's behind it," Y/N said to herself as she continued to stare at it. "But I am going to go through it anyway. I know it's a horror movie cliche, not an anime or x reader cliche, but the author is running out of tropes in those genres to mock and just wants to finish this chapter so she can eat her leftover Thai food in peace before cramming to get another book ready to publish in less than a week in a never-ending cycle of work and anxiety."

Approaching the door Y/N went to open it, but just as her fingers closed around the handle, someone conveniently cleared their throat behind her, stopping her in her tracks. (I guess you'll just have to wait to find out whatever could possibly be in the basement.)

"I wouldn't go through that door if I were you," a voice said behind Y/N. "But you are welcome to go anywhere else in this house that you desire, my treasured blossom."

Ignoring the cringingly over-dramatic pet name, Y/N whirled to see who had spoken. He was a male specimen, average in height for the male of the species. The male's hair was black and messy. The male's eyes were a graey color and were perpetually filled with sparkles and hearts that made in very unsettling to maintain eye contact with him.

The male's mouth twitched into a wide smile as his overly kawaii eyes landed on Y/N. The male immediately began to blush bright red and a fine trickle of drool traced its way down his chin.

"Who are you?? Where am I??" Y/N asked, the very, very obvious look of infatuation that the male was giving her unnerving her. Could he possibly have a thing for her? no impossible! The male only abducted her and decorated the entire house apart from her bedroom with photos that had been taken without her knowledge, he obviously wasn't interested in her in any way.

The black-haired male's grin only widened, and the male shuddered at hearing the sound of Y/N's voice directed at him. Regaining his composure, the average-height male said, "come with me to the living room and I will tell you everything, my treasured blossom."


It is literally one of my biggest peeves when I see authors using MALE almost exclusively in describing their characters of a masculine persuasion (see what I did there?)

It's not that MALE can never be used, but please, please only use it as a last resort for the sake of my crumbling sanity.

Now, I am going to eat my leftover Thai food and try not to stress about the book that I have less than a week to get ready to publish. T~T

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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