15 - Epilogue

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It has been 10 years since that night, since we got engaged, and they have been the best years of my life. I never knew that life could be this good.

Two months after the proposal, we got married. It was a beach wedding, and only our close friends and family were invited. Daniel somehow convinced me to ditch the formal wear. We both wore leather pants and boots. Whereas he wore a plain white shirt with it, I wore a denim shirt with a leather jacket. 'You look so hot, big guy. If I could, I'd take you right here and show everyone that I own your ass,' were his first words to me at the altar. With time, he just got even more sluttier.

For our honeymoon, we went to Hawaii. Not once did we do it in our hotel room. In fact, we christened the whole island. We didn't spare a place. Hotel terrace, beach, beach bathrooms, in the woods, on the hike trails, on the mountain tops, in our rented car, and so on. We did it everywhere. We also learned a few things like hiking with a gaping hole and an ass full of cum can be very hard to do, and that doing it in the woods, against the trees, etc. is only possible in porn. In real life, it gives you bruises and cuts your skin. Though, that didn't stop us from having our adventures.

A year after our wedding, his father passed away in his sleep. He was upset for a while, but he was also happy that his father lived a happy life and had a painless death. He gradually moved on and accepted the fact that his father was no more. I was the only daddy left in his life.

After two years of being happily married, we decided to have kids. We bought a big house in the suburbs and made sure that our bedroom was soundproof. We adopted two very cute little boys, Carter Daniel Pérez and Alvin Luke Bates. Carter was three, and Alvin was four when we adopted them. Daniel's mother moved in with us to help take care of the kids.

Going back a little, Veronica married Matt before she gave birth to her baby girl, Emma. Daniel and I visited her at the hospital. I cried when I held her in my arms for the first time. Veronica made me her godfather. I was surprised and grateful. I promised her that I'll take care of Emma as if she was my own. And, to date, I have upheld that promise.

Charlie and Angelica also got married six years ago, and they have a cute little four-year-old son, Raven. Ronald married Martha, but they still haven't got lucky in the kids' department yet.

Alex and Daniel cut off their ties completely after they got divorced. It was for their own good because what they had doesn't go away easily. I know for a fact that there still exists a tiny place in Daniel's heart that is reserved for Alex. A bird recently told us that he found his happy ending with Asher after all and is happily married with a beautiful daughter.



"I'm all lubed up. Stop whatever you are doing and fuck me before the kids get back."


See ya.


A/N: So, you have finished the book, I see. I hope you liked the story. ;)

Connect with me on Instagram: ryanaureoholt

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