Zac is sad

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Guys I am so sorry I suck at updating. Í'll try to be better guys


I was on the coffee table, completely in my element. I had the toy guitar from guitar hero in my hands and the computer game crowd were going wild. Cam was on the drums, sitting there in suit bottoms and an unbuttoned white shirt. He had just come from a modelling session and when he discovered me jumping around playing guitar hero, he had decided to join me. We were rocking it.

My hair was in a sloppy bun and I was in my Pajamas, even though it was six o'clock by now. With no makeup and tea stains down my shirt, I was not at my sexiness. However, after a few sarcastic jokes from Ace about my obvious childishness, the guys did not care. So I danced around on the coffee table, singing loudly and completely off-key.

"Whooooooo, GO US!" Cam yelled and joined me.

Inside his room, we could hear Zac groan in irritation. He marched out, told us to shut up and marched back in his room. Cam and I looked at one another and knew what we had to do. We raced into his room and jumped onto his bed with him and began singing loudly into his ears. Zac was not amused.

He took us both roughly by the arms and forced us out, then slammed the doors in our faces and locked it. Cam and I shrugged and returned to the game we had paused.

After about ten minutes, the doorbell rung. Ace came out of his room, looking sleekly handsome in a button black shirt and tight dark gray jeans. He threw Cam and I an amused look and opened the front door.

A beautiful girl walked in. Her long black hair waved around her shoulder blades. She had golden skin and large brown eyes, framed by the longest lashes I had ever seen. Cam and I openly stared. She was wearing high waisted shorts and a red and white striped top and heels, showing off the longest legs I had ever seen. She was almost as tall as Ace.

She glanced round the room and looked unimpressed. She looked as beautiful and aloof as Ace did. They were certainly a well matched couple, I thought with the slightest pang of jealousy.

Her eyes settled on me, "You must be the Serena."

She walked forward and stopped short a foot away from the coffee table. I realized with a hot flush of embarrasement I was still on the table. I jumped down and reached to shake her outstretched hand.

"Ace didn't mention how... pretty you are," she said in a low husky voice.

I blushed, feeling uncomfortable because I could sense she wasn't being... genuine. Cam cleared his throat and came to stand beside me, shirt still unbuttoned. Her eyes checked him out and became impressed. Who couldn't? He was totally amazing.

"Pleased to meet you, Cameron," she said.

Cam winked at her, friendly as always, "Same here, Vanessa."

Her name was Vanessa. It suited her. Zac came out of his room, looking grumpy. I was suprised and concerned. He was my ray of sunshine and he never seemed to be upset about anything. I stifled my urge to ask questions though, knowing he wouldn't have appreciated it.

"Who are you?" he asked bluntly to Vanessa.

Ace met my eyes for a brief second and I knew he was thinking the same as I; something was up with Zac.

"This is Vanessa. I told you about her, remember?" Ace reminded Zac.

Zac nodded but the glower remained on his face. He crossed his arms and stood behind me, radiating anger. Vanessa raised her eyebrows slightly at Ace but he wasn't looking at her. He was looking at me and I knew what he was saying: take care of Zac.

I nodded my head slightly and Ace gave me a rare smile before taking Vanessa's hand.

"Let's go babe," he said.

They left the appartment.


When I was alone (Cam had gone off to party with Lee and some people. They were so going to date), Zac came out of his room. He looked gloomy and morose.

"What's up, honey?" I asked, pausing the movie I was watching and patting the sofa beside me.

Zac collapsed down next to me. He started fingering the shape of his knuckles. I got up and decided to make us some hot chocolate. I knew not to push. He would tell me when he was ready. I poured in the marshmallows and whipped cream. Zac accepted his gratefully and I noticed his lips hinting toward a smile.

"I... Nicolette got married."

I gawped. my mouth literally hit the floor. The skinny thing which had tried to strangle me and was constantly sticking her tongue down Zac's throat? She was... or had been, so attatched to Zac and totally in love it seemed. And yet, she was with someone else and Zac unhappy. The roles had been reversed.

"She send me a text! A text saying 'I got married to Marco last night. We flew to Vegas. I'm sorry Zac but you never loved me. I hope you're happy and find someone who you won't treat like shit.'" he put his head in his hands.

"Oh, Zac," I said and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, "I am so sorry."

"I don't know if I loved her. But now she's gone and it hurts like hell," he whispered, refusing to lift his head from his hands.

We remained silent and then finally Zac looked up. He was always so macho and jokey, but I could see that he did care. He was vulnerable in a way he didn't want to be. I felt my heart melt.

"Zac, I know this is killing you. But it obviously isn't meant to be. However, there is someone out there who will love you more than Nicolette ever could and will. She is out there and she will complete you," I assured him.

Very slowly, he nodded and then crushed me into a warm hug. I let my hands run through his soft hair and sighed. Life always got the good ones.

"I'm so happy you moved in, Serena."

"Me too," I murmured back and then pulled away from his hug and smiled brightly.

Zac smiled back, a little sadly, but smiled.

"Now let's watch this crappy movie and laugh. And I'll get icecreams. Those are the best cures for heartbreak."

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