❤︎ Silent Torture ❤︎ [15]

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^^^ I hate em too >:<
"Hi todoroki c:" 😂

Anyway, HeY hELLo, how are y'all :,) I just did 12 assignments and I feel like shit, wby?

<> Izuku POV <>


I shoot away my tears aiming a few feet away from the pink blob, as I got closer I realized it wasn't just a pink one, but also red...and it was moving.

My mind instantly told me blood, and that made me even more eager to find out if it was Mina or not...and what was going on.

Shutting my eyes tightly I entered the water with a large splash, cold water biting at my open skin, the rocks scraping my arms and legs, I had to push against the small current and finally surfaced.

I looked around the slightly foggy place, treading the water and moving towards the shore when I saw it a few feet away from me.

It was like I thought, Mina's pink hair flat against her head, her clothes soaked with water. But then I realized that she wasn't moving but being carried.

I met a different, panicked and afraid pair of red eye. Ones that I recognized to be Kirishima's. I quickly thought of many different scenarios but then stopped and ran over to him.

"Kirishima...?!" He looked sad and tired but he gave me a small smile and continued to carry Mina to the shore, on his back.

I quickly caught up to him and realized that both of them had cuts, bruises and were bleeding out from various places. Kirishima's red hair was flat against his head and I could barely tell that it was bleeding.

"Kirishima?" I called out again but he didn't answer. I grabbed Mina off his back without him interfering and draped my arm over his shoulder so he could lean against me.

We slowly but surely headed to the sandy beach and sat down, us both panting harshly, I turned my head with Kirishima to the small forest behind us where I heard voices coming from.


I said then stopped and bit my tongue...I didn't know what to say...to ask, it would be a miracle if he even spoke to me yet I had the small feeling that he needed comforting.

"Make sure to treat those wounds okay?" I said and saw his eyes lighten up a little before he nodded and got up as the voices got closer.

Eraser head and a few other teachers came out into the small clearing, surprised faces on each of them. Aizawa ran to us immediately and picked up Mina off my lap.

He looked down at me and sighed, a different hero helped Kirishima while I got up and walked back on my own. A few elders started to talk but I was silent beside Aizawa.

I could feel his eyes at the side of my head waiting for an answer that I didn't have. I was as lost as everyone else.

I was beyond tired from all the swimming even if it was just 9 in the morning...a small breeze hit my cuts , that I had completely forgotten about, and stung them.

I bit my lip and pushing one foot in-front of the other continued my way back to UA.

I was silent as everyone gathered around us, and without a sound I went up to recovery girl and sat on the small bed that I had gotten used to.

I didn't know what to say.

Was there anything to say?

Oh right.


:0 2020^

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