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Read with a dark background :)

Yangyang could hear its slow ascent to his hiding spot. He tried his best to quietly move deeper into the cabinet, using the clothes as a wall between him and the opened doors.


He braced himself for his possible death, screwing his eyes shut as he refused to meet eyes with the doll. He would have liked to die at the hands of a human instead of a demonic teddy bear. That would have hurt his pride less.

Just then, the sound of a landline phone roared from the living room. It continuously rang, completely diverting the attention from him. He could feel the presence merely a foot or two away from him.


There was a clattering sound, followed by a thud. Yangyang reluctantly opened his eyes and saw the doll dragging itself and the kitchen scissors away and out of the thrashed room. Once he was sure it was little farther, he relaxed his body and grabbed the empty cup.

So he had a demonic doll and their suspect behind Ten's death on his tail. 


Maybe Hendery was right, he should have just made the post and not play the game.

His phone vibrated as Hendery's name popped up on the screen. He quickly unlocked his phone to inform Hendery of the predicament.

Hendery: I called the landline in the living room. You should be safe for now. There's someone in the garage and trying to get in through the kitchen door. I don't think they've noticed me here yet.

Yangyang: I spilled the salt water

Hendery: Bitch? 👁👄👁

Yangyang: I'm gonna try to refill the cup and end the game

Hendery: If the game doesn't end you first

Little bitch, Yangyang thought.

Hendery: end the game asap. our culprit is here.

Yangyang: I'd love to end the game if I had some saltwater

Hendery: call me. i'll guide you through a call so you don't have to keep looking at your phone.

Yangyang  did as instructed, connecting his airpods and calling his friend. He adjusted the volume and sent him a text that he was all set.

"The doll is currently in the living room near the front door. The intruder is in the garage, peering in from the window. The safest route for you is going through the supply closet." Hendery informed.

The boy would have taken a deep breath if not for the remaining salt water in his mouth. He expected a situation like this to have happened and made extra. He put the extra in the laundry room knowing the kitchen was too out in the open.


Oh how he wanted to.

Yangyang dropped some clothes onto the floor to muffle his jump down. He took his empty cup and maneuvered his way around the shattered glass.

He poked his head out of the room, carefully scanning the hall for the doll. Once he was sure the coast was clear he quietly made his way towards the supply closet. 


"The door on the right leads to the laundry room without going through the garage." 

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