Chapter Six

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I sense it before I see it. I had always been a light sleeper and for the past year and a half I never slept without some form of weaponry. The kitchen knives would have to do for now. Until I got out of here and properly armed myself.

The air had gone cold and the smell of death filled the air. I immediately knew what it was. Who it was. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing even. I couldn't alert it that I was awake. I heard it move and estimated its position in the room.

Clutching the knife under my pillow tighter I waited. It would be on top of me in five, four, three, two... I swag at it rolling off the bed and heard a distinct hiss. I had to get out of this room. I needed a bigger fighting field. Or at least somewhere with more places to hide. The basement was too open. I felt trapped.

"Titusss." It hissed. "You can try to hide but I will find you. I can sssmell you."

I jumped from my hiding spot just as it broke through the counter snapping its jaw at where I had been mere seconds ago. I slid across the floor and got up sprinting towards the stairs. I wasn't faster but if I got a head start that would help.

It grabbed my leg bringing me down and dragging me towards it. Turning I shoved the knife in my hand through it's limb and it let me go howling in pain. I ran for it taking the stairs two at a time and using my momentum to break through the door landing in a heap on the floor.

Ignoring the pain in my muscles and still pumped with adrenaline I dragged myself up and tried to find somewhere to hide. Or maybe this thing was a blessing in disguise and I could escape. As I reached the front door it grabbed me one of it's claws digging into my side and threw me across the room my back hitting a wall. I was in too much pain to move now.

Two seething eyes stared down at me with an absolute darkness, and another shriek rushes from its hollow mouth with a tremendous heat. Four thin horns adorns its pudgy head, which itself is covered in horrifying piercings. A plume of shadow escapes the creature's jagged nostrils set within a skeletal nose. Its pudgy head sits atop a small, powerful body. Scars and still-open wounds cover its torso, seemingly like a reminder of some event in the past.

The creature darts toward me, its four legs calmly carry its fiery body with a threatening energy. Before it could reach me someone appears between us and it's suddenly thrown through the opposite wall by a blast of energy. I look up just as the witch turned to face me. Her hair in a black bonnet with a matching silk camisole and shorts set. In her right hand was a black balde emmiting what looked like shadows. A demon blade. She bent down just as three males walked in.

"Are you okay?" She asks eyeing my wound.

"Of course I am it's not like I'm in extreme pain bleeding on the floor." I answer sarcastically.

"What is that thing?" One of her companions asks.

"It feels demonic but I've never seen something like that while I was in hell."

"Dardanos' pet. A sort of new creation." I let out through clenched teeth.

"How do we kill it?" She asked me. Even if I told them they weren't going to succeed. We were as good as dead.

"Phoenix fire. It's extremely rare and I doubt you have any of that lying around." We were definitely all dying. But maybe I could drag myself out while they fought it off.

"I do actually." She smiled excitement dancing in her brown eyes. "Luc patch him up. Ken and Don you guys put the house back together. I've got ugly."

I watched in wonder as she rose to her feet and stepped away from me flames lighting up her entire body extending to the sword. When the demon appeared in the hole in the wall she rose above the ground then shot forwards in the air like a fiery bullet the two of them tumbling out. She was magnificent.

No she wasn't. She was the enemy. She was the phoenix. She was the phoenix.

"Let's get you fixed." A voice said snapping my attention back. He must be Luc.

He raised my shirt up and put one of his hands on my side. I felt a burn and let out a scream. God that hurt. He kept his hand there for a full minute taking it off and stepping back. I looked down as the pain slowly started to leave me and was shocked to see I was as good as new. There was no scaring. Aside from the blood on my shirt there was no evidence I had been injured to begin with.

My body was still in pain though but maybe I could still fight my way out seeing as I was already out of the basement. In a swift move I kicked at his feet bringing him to the ground and made a run for it to the door. Yes he maybe saved my life, not really, but I was still getting out of here. I still didn't trust them. I hadn't made it two steps until the ground beneath me melted like wet cement before hardening again once my feet were firmly planted in.

"You don't get it do you?" Luc asked walking to stand in front of me. "You aren't getting out of here."

"I am and I will."

"Like the enthusiasm. It'll be fun watching you try. The least you could do is thank me for helping you."


"Have it your way. The only reason we haven't treated you like a prisoner is because my sister told us to. You're lucky she's a sweetheart. Otherwise you would have been chained up and tortured as we speak. If I were you I'd sit tight and behave. I might accidentally lose my temper while she's away and break your knees so you don't try to run." He said. I wasn't afraid of him. He was far from threatening.

"Try me golden boy." I said. He watched me for a few seconds before chuckling.

"Kenji. Please carry our guest back to his room." He called out before walking away.

I needed to get out of here soon. If I couldn't do it with force maybe I could use another tactic. The girl was in charge. I just needed to get on her good side. How to do that would be a problem.


Short filler chapter hope you like it. Please vote and share. 

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