Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Francy's p.o.v

"What?" Rehan was all ears now.

"Did something happen?" I asked, worried.

"It's all because of that stupid game they played yesterday." The girl struggled to explain. "Look they won't talk to me, but maybe Ace's friends will talk to you two. Please."

Once she left Rehan sighed. "She probably just can't reach him."

"I don't want to take her worry lightly," I said, taking my bag and heading to talk to his friends.

"I'll come with you," Remi told me.

"You're worrying for nothing. It's Ace we're talking about. Everyone likes him. No one can lay a finger on him." Rehan reassured us but I could tell he has a slight doubt in what he was saying. He was our youngest after all.

"I'm sure he's fine. I just want to check." I told him and I and Remi headed behind the school where Ace and his friends used to hang out.

Indeed there was going to be fuss and drama. Instead of their usual laughing and making noise and smoking, the boys were visibly alarmed and they sat there in silence.

"Hey there." I raised my hand politely. "Hi." I cleared my throat. "I'm Ace's sister..." I approached them carefully. "His um...Girlfriend said he might be in trouble and I just wanted to someone tell me where I can find him?"

The guys had instantly shown me pity. One of them which I had recognized rose up. "Francy, right?"

I nodded. I've never met Ace's friends, mostly because he never brought them home nor created any situation in which any of us can ever talk to them. Rehan and Kai always brought their friends home, but Ace never. And that was very alarming to me.

He came closed and leaned over me. "I'm sorry to tell you this. Your brother is with Lucy."

I blinked twice processing what he said. "Lucy? Is that his new girlfriend?"

He shook his head. "Lucy is a guy."

Remi behind me burst out laughing but everyone was dead serious.

"I'm sorry just calling a guy Lucy..." She quickly zipped up her mouth taking a step back.

"They don't know who Lucy is?" Another guy spoke.

"Don't tell her." Another one interrupted. "Let's just pray Ace will come back to us alive"

"What is going on, tell me." I ordered.

They stayed silent.

"I'm calling my parents."I pulled out my phone and the guy grabbed my hand. "Do you want to get us all in trouble including your brother?"

"Then tell me where he is."

"We told you." The guy in the back interrupted again. "He was summoned by Lucy. And all because of that game yesterday."

"Who is Lucy?" Remi asked, earning glances from the guys.

"Lucy is the devil." The guy answered.

It took a second to sink in. Lucy -Lucifer. The devil's den. That must be the guy who owns the place. And Ace was there yesterday.

"What does he want with Ace?" I asked.

"Not just Ace. Every guy that was at the devil's den yesterday and played the new game on his expensive equipment was summoned. Apparently, someone broke something while he wasn't present and now he is out for blood. Do you know that the last guy who pissed off Lucy ended up moving to another country?"

"No way."Remi joked from behind me and they all looked at her pissed off.

"You, come here." He ordered her.

Remi refused but his look was threatening and somehow she made it next to me.

He grabbed her chin. "Do you know why no one laughs when we call him Lucy? Because no one dares to laugh about it. He knows everything and if he wants, he can find your deepest and darkest fears and use them to bury you."

Remi and I gulped.

"How?" She asked with a shaky voice.

The guy pulled out his phone and flipped it in his hand. "This. Doesn't your phone know everything about you? " He smirked. "My parents are divorcing, why am I late, I send nudes what do I do...your phone has every photo, every text, every little thing you ever think off, is on here and with his capabilities he can hack in your life and shut it down.'

Remi nodded. "Lucy is a hacker. Ruins life. Ace in danger. Got it."

"So who is the guy that broke something? It's not Ace is it?" I asked, worried knowing my brother was nowhere to be found yesterday.

"Ace swears it's not him but ... that won't stop Lucy if he is out for blood."

My insides turned upside down. I grabbed Remi's hand and we ran out of there. 

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