Chapter 16

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Lucy's p

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Lucy's p.o.v

I drove home after school feeling pretty tired. I barely had any sleep these last few days trying to squeeze in work, school, and the seniors in 24 hours. I didn't want to be late on any bills so I had stayed up and worked every night while going to classes and letting the students gather to play games.

I rubbed my eyes and focused on the road. Once I got home I made coffee and filled in the biggest cup I could find.

Suddenly I heard the door unlock. I looked at my watch but there was still time until the seniors came.

And then he fucking showed up at my door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, staring at him. How the fuck did my dad have the keys to my place?

Wearing his mean suit and that mad look on his face, he dragged his feet step by step like he was revolted by the place. He looked around at the equipment and the mess and then at me. "Is this what you do? Play in your free time? Like a child?

"I asked you why you're here?" I said in a threatening voice. The last thing I needed was this fucker to show up and ruin my day.

"I came to see if my son has finally come to some common sense, but seeing how you still play around with these toys, I see you haven't." He said.

"Oh spare me the drama. You already said your piece so how about you leave me alone and go do your fucking business as always!" I raised my voice but quickly calmed down. "That's all you care about anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He brought out his hands from his pockets looking insulted.

"Exactly what I said. You never cared about mom or me. Not about what we wanted or felt. You just wanted to control us like your employees at work."

"That's bullshit" He yelled.

"No! Your fucking pretense is bullshit. Get the fuck out of my house!" I yelled and he stood there staring at me.

"You don't like how that sounds?" I asked him, pressing my fists on the counter. "Aren't those the same words you screamed out when I stood up to you for the first time?" I chuckled. "You probably don't even remember."

"Get your act together. At this rate, you'll end up homeless and without a family." He stared at me waiting to see if I had anything to say back.

But I was too angry to even argue.

Walking out in his new Italian leather shoes and smug face I hoped I would never have to see him again.

I gripped my mug wanting to smash it on the wall. I just stood there unsure how to swallow the bitter feeling in my mouth. How did he even dare to play the father of the year after what he has done!

The door opened again and I flinched backward. Only this time it was Ace and his friends.

"Hey man. We brought pizza." He walked into the kitchen leaving the pizza on the counter.

"That is some scary face you're making." Ace said, opening the pizza box. "Slice?"

"I'm heading out. Ace you're in charge. If anything happens to my stuff, it's your head." I said and walked out.

I left and slammed the door behind me. I hopped into my car and drove. I was tired and angry and the last thing I needed was this shit day. Let's pray I don't run over someone with the car.

Francy's p.o.v

I'm so tired that if I ever drink on another school night, it better be prom. I and Remi have been having the same headache all day and did nothing but complain and exchanged painful glances. To make matters worse, this morning Kai and Ace had left earlier for some extra shit in school, and me, Remi and Rehan had to run to Remi's place so she could get her stuff and then take the tramway to school. It has been eventful.

I dragged my feet home, hoping someone was already home, making something to eat. I had no breakfast or coffee in me and I was in a very particular mood.

"Mooooom!" I yelled.

"Yes hon?" She showed up in the door putting her earrings on.

"Food! Food!" I yelled again.

"I can't baby, I'm late for work as it is." She said fixing her hair in the mirror.

"I thought dad is taking you?" I said dropping my bag on the floor and kicking my shoes.

"He already left, and since Ace has the other car, I'm taking a cab. It's gonna be here any second. " She leaned in the mirror as she checked her lipstick and then turned towards me. "Another thing that might cheer you up.."

"Anything!" I begged.

"I cleaned your room and everything is back in its place so you have one less thing to worry about. You are officially back in your room."

"Mom. You're the best." I hugged her as tightly as I could with a back hug. "And you smell nice."

"Thank you. It's this new perfume I bought. Want to see?" She pulled it out from her bag and opened the cap.

"Oh it smells divine," I said exhaling.

"Here.." She gestured for me to lift my neck and then she sprayed some on each side.

"Lovely." She patted my head and then zipped up her bag taking a good look at me.

"I know you're tired, but eat something healthy okay. Some fruit maybe. You're going to be alone until six, so if you're cooking for yourself cook something for your brothers as well." She put on her shoes and headed out the door. "Love you."

"Love you mom." I said and then crawled in the living room and then straight to the kitchen.

Fruit. Fruit. Fruit.

I looked around but all I could see were rotting grapes. Ugh. I'm going to be sick. I ran back into the living room grabbing my wallet and heading to the store.

Lucy's p.o.v

How did I end up here? Why did I even drive all the way here? I stared outside the car window at her house completely confused. Was it subconscious because I was thinking of her? Was I just plain stupid? Yes that was it. Because at this rate I wasn't better than a stalker. What would she even say if she saw me? Her neighbors might report me to the police. Should I just drive off?

I relaxed in the cushioned seat and closed my eyes. I was so angry that I couldn't think straight.

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