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Rose's POV

"Welcome to Stone Heart Magic Wielding Dragon Riding Academy," A large man on stage says. "We are all very happy to have you here. Now that the last village has arrived, may you all move into single file lines behind one of the three tables," He says, pointing to area with people patiently waiting for us.

"State your name, village, and status when asked. I am Headmaster Jackson, the principal of this school, and this beauty behind me is Star, my dragon companion. We will do things a tad bit different this year, due to the delay with some of the ceremonies, we are behind schedule. So, after you are done in line, gather your belongings in a separate group from the others and pin the index card onto your suitcase. You will be given an index card and safety pin while at the table, please write your name on this paper. The person at the table should tell you your dorm number as well for after dinner, using maps we will provide for you. The teaching staff will move your belongings into your dorm for you, so that can allow us to get straight to dinner and get back on schedule." Headmaster Jackson finishes. With that, all of the other 15 year olds and I move towards the designated area, getting in line.

Tony walks up to me and we walk towards Ryder and the twins together. Nobody really talks, just enjoying the change of scenery. The five of us get in line, closest to where Headmaster Jackson is standing. The process moves fairly quickly, and Daniel is soon at the table. Daniel is followed by his twin Danny, Tony goes, then Ryder. They stand to the side waiting for me to finish up.

"Name, village and status." The voice behind the table monotonously says.

"Rose Wellington, Trinity Stone Village, Multi-Wielder of all elements and Dragon Rider." I say quietly. The man looks up to me and starts laughing. "Is there a problem?" I ask confused.

"Yes, I need you to tell me the truth, but good joke." He says.

"But that was the truth sir." I respond, holding in my aggravation. I know that his reaction is not that uncalled for, but it is late and I am tired.

"No, it wasn't. Just tell me what element you can wield, unless you snuck onto a dragon by mistake." The man harshly says. I am extremely offended by this mans words and it's not soon before there is a whole commotion. The twins stand in front of me protectively, Tony and Rider just yelling at the man behind the table, who may I add, looks extremely pissed.

"What is the matter here?" Headmaster Jackson's demanding voice questions. He is probably upset that we are holding up the line and have gotten everyone's attention for the wrong reason.

"The only problem is this girl who is lying about her status, and it should be revoked for insulting not only me, but by not appreciating her chosen gift." The man frustratedly says.

"That's not true!" Tony yells. Crap, his temper.

"Tony, please," I say. "You know better than to raise your voice at your elder, even if they were wrong." I nudge him. "And Headmaster," I turn to the man. "I followed your exact instructions, stating my name, village, and status. It was the man here who was in fault." I calm everyone down.

"He just insulted you and I won't stand for it." Tony grumbles to me. Ryder is next to Tony and nods in agreement. I just smile at their protectiveness.

"I know that this must be a surprise for anyone who doesn't truly know me. The man must be shocked and confused, and in turn, went to his closest reasoning of the situation." I hug Tony. "But sir, I can swear on the goddess that I am not lying about my status." I turn to the man. When one swears to the goddess, it means the utmost truth, or you are shunned for using the goddesses name in vain.

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