vi austin

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I wake up with a pounding headache and realize that I'm not at my place. In fact , I am laying in the middle of a living room that is far smaller than the one I'm used to seeing. Looking around me to get my bearings, I see a glass of water and two aspirins placed on the side table next to the couch. And that's when last night hits me. I'm at Nikki's place .

And then I remembered how she looked, who she was talking to and how extremely jealous I got when she was introduced to Austin Clemmings. I know all about him and I wish I could say that he's a douche but he's legit. One of the nicest guys out there. Then I remember hearing about their hike today, their day date. That was fast, but what did I expect?

And then, I remembered the kiss. I kissed her . And for a moment she melted into my lips . It was as if the world faded and I felt jolts of lightning all over my body.  She must've felt it too because she pulled away quickly. Even in my drunken state, I remembered. But now , Stephanie. Shit, I'm a terrible boyfriend.

As I was internally scolding myself, Nikki walks out of her room . She glances over at me , "you're up. You feelings any better?"

"Yeah, my head is pounding. Thanks for letting me crash here last night," I say.

She doesn't respond at first , just looking around the room and taking in the state of my appearance . She gives a small sigh and starts to move around, "listen, we need to talk but not this morning. Austin is on his way," she says while putting her shoes on , "I'll leave you my spare key so you can lock up on your way out."

"Nik," I try to say but her intercom buzzed, he was here.

"Make yourself comfortable and leave when you want. I don't know how long I'll be out for ," and with that she's standing up , checking her appearance in the mirror , camera in hand and reaching the door to exit her apartment.

I sighed as I fall back onto the couch . I really hope I can clear up what happened last night, although I'm not even sure all that I've said or done. And Stephanie. I have a girlfriend . Shit. I literally did what Nikki's ex did . I need to figure out a way to make it up to her and at the same time confess what I did to Steph.

Not wanting to overstay my visit, I folded the couch back and neatly placed the blanket she gave me on on top of the pillow. Tydied up the space I took residence in last night and locked up her place when I left. I went straight back to my apartment to shower off and unwind. But more than that I needed advice . Usually I turn to Nikki, but she's out with Austin and she definitely is out of the question. So I decided to turn to my dear brothers.

Both of them were free and said they'd stop by . It was mid afternoon when Warren showed up . Trip followed just 10 minutes after. I had prepared some snacks and ordered food . I don't see them too often without their women with them and I really needed some advice.

"Everything okay?" Was the first thing Warren asked me. He has some kind of sixth sense .

"I did something dumb last night," I start to say.

"How? We were all together," he asks in confusion .

"It was AFTER everyone left," I huffed.

"You stayed over?" Trip asked. He didn't make it to the housewarming but Sonja was there for both of them.

"I was so drunk."

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