CHAPTER 19 - ❝liar, liar, pants on fire!❞

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I enter the mansion with my tote bag over my shoulder.

I hear the distinct chatter coming from the TV in the living room and I saunter into the living room, seeing Vito watching TV for the first time in a long time. He was usually on his phone or nose-deep in a stack of papers.

He was lying on the couch with his right arm behind his head while his other hand held the remote to the TV. He was scrolling, but hearing the voices on the TV told me that he was watching that for a while now.

He notices me and sits up on the couch, setting the remote down onto the coffee table in front of him, alongside the empty beer bottle.

“How did your first day back go?” He asks with a smile.

“It was better than I had expected.” I tell him, throwing my tote bag beside the recliner seat before plopping myself down onto it.

Eden’s words from earlier in the coffee shop played inside my mind and it didn’t stop playing, even as I was sitting here on the recliner couch, trying to focus on the TV and not on Vito’s weird looks he was shooting me with.

They didn’t mention something about the house being burnt down.

“Did you tell anyone anything?” He asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

I tilt my head, looking at him. I shake my head at him. “I didn’t.”

“Are you sure?” He asks.

 “If I told anyone anything, the cops would’ve been here already, ready to arrest you all for kidnapping me and keeping me here for a few weeks.”

I wanted to shout the words to him, but I manage to nod instead. “Yes, Vito. I’m sure.” I tell him. “I didn’t tell anyone what happened.” Except for Eden but he didn’t have to know that.

His eyes drift back to the TV. “I have some homework I need to do. I’ll see you later.” I tell him, lifting myself up from the comfortable recliner seat before grabbing my tote bag up from the floor.

I went to my room directly, not wanting to walk into Giovanni.

They didn’t mention something about the house being burnt down.

If they didn’t mention something about my house being burnt down, that meant that it might still be there and not burnt to a crisp like I thought. But if it was still there and not burnt down, that meant that the brothers lied to me. They lied to me about my house so that I won’t have a choice but to stay here knowing that I won’t have a home to go back to.

I shake my head.

They won’t lie to me about something like that.

Giovanni wouldn’t have brought me the shoebox with my belongings if my house wasn’t burnt down. He wouldn’t lie about something like that just to keep me here. Right?

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