CHAPTER 34 - ❝sent letters❞

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Joshua comes into the living room after I sent him to get Scarlett from the pool house, but she wasn’t with him like I hoped she would be.

I know I said dinner was only in twenty minutes, but I thought she would’ve wanted to spend a little time with the three J’s seeing that she doesn’t really see them a lot.

Hell, they missed her.

Jeremiah too.

He beats himself up every single day for letting her get kidnapped the other day. He doesn’t express his emotions very often or very well some days, but I could see that the guilt of her being kidnapped under his watch was eating him up.

I didn’t blame him for what happened. Vito didn’t blame him for what happened. Scarlett definitely didn’t blame him for what happened… But he blamed himself because he took her to her house. He was there to protect her, but things escalated so quickly, she was taken right out from under his nose and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

It would take time for him to forgive himself.

Joshua makes his way to the couch and sits down.

I try to listen for any signs of her footsteps coming into the mansion too, but there was none. My heart sank. I just want to see her—all the time. I want to know where she is so I can keep an eye on her, but she walked on eggshells around my dad. I know she doesn’t want to enter the mansion if he’s in the proximity, but I especially told Joshua to tell her that he wasn’t here and that she can have a decent dinner with all of us.

So why wasn’t she here, laughing at a joke Jason was telling everybody?

“Scarlett is definitely something else.” Joshua says.

“Where is she, by the way?” I ask him. “I thought you went to go get her?”

“She’s doing Biology homework apparently.” He shrugs, tugging his shirt’s collar down. “But she said she’s going to join us soon. She just wants to finish up her homework first.”

I nod, feeling that same weird feeling I got when she didn’t respond to my messages a few weeks ago. I knew something was up even before I knew what truly happened.

I swallow it uneasiness down.

She’s safe.

She’s in the pool house, doing her homework.

• • •

Twenty minutes have passed and Scarlett still hasn’t made an appearance yet. Amelia announced that dinner was ready exactly three minutes ago, so we were all just waiting on Scarlett to make an appearance so that we could eat together.

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