A Talk With The Creator

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At the Park

Horikoshi : so...how are you doing...

Midoriya : uh...eh...

Horikoshi : I know it's kinda-

Midoriya : so, if you're the creator, can you tell-

Horikoshi : No kid, that would ruin the surprise...

Midoriya : but we need to-

Horikoshi : no buts, sometimes you have to find the answer on your own..you still had a long way Izuku...

Midoriya : wait ?...there still more ??...

Horikoshi : Yeah of course !!

Midoriya : *writing in his note

Horikoshi : always as usual

AFO : *walks passed by

Horikoshi : *in his mind ...he will-

Midoriya : why are you here..dad..or should i call AFO..

AFO : Izuku..I...

Midoriya : forget it, you can have shigaraki, I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore...

AFO : Izuku....

Horikoshi : I don't think i should be-

Midoriya : no... it's okay.... let's go..

AFO : *looks down

Horikoshi : Like I said...you have a long way..to go...

Midoriya : Oh c'mon, i wish you could've tell me so it would be easier...

Horikoshi : Oh yeah by the way, isn't that..

Overhaul : Yes !! I got my leg back, whoever brought me-

Midoriya : YOUUUU !!!

Overhaul : . . . Nope *runs

Mirio : isn't that..

Eri : *scared

Overhaul : Please just leave me alone !! I just got my leg back, I don't want to lose it anymore !!!

Horikoshi : heesh...heesh...why those people brought everyone here... I only ask the students....

Midoriya : oh, why do you-

Horikoshi : Because I have a lot of things to show you...in multiverses not future kid...

Midoriya : oh..

Horikoshi : Nice try kid... I'm not telling the future..

Bryan : Hey guys !! You want to go back to the hotel, we're going to continue the thing we did in  cinema...

Midoriya : oh cool !

Horikoshi : whatever you're doing.... I'm not telling which one is real..

Midoriya : oh man...


To be continued

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