Bonus Chapter 7 : DNA TEST

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DNA Research Center

Receptionist : welcome, how can i-

Todoroki : HERE !!! *gives his father's and AFO's hair

Receptionist : well... *takes the hair can take a line over there.. I'll print a pass...

35 minutes later.....

DNA nurse : Shouto.. Todoroki ?....

Todoroki : I'm here-

Midoriya : Todoroki !!!

Todoroki : huh ?

Midoriya : are you-

DNA nurse : you're coming or not ?

Midoriya : *sigh

Todoroki : now that you're here... *drags Midoriya

In the Doctor's Office

DNA Doctor : I also need your hair-

Midoriya : fine *takes a piece of his hair

Todoroki : *takes a piece of his hair

DNA Doctor : Now...and...

*the computer is processing

Endeavor => Hisashi

Results : 1%

DNA Doctor : 1 percent means could be having the same power...or..

Midoriya : he has more than 1 power....

Todoroki => Midoriya &

Results : Match 65 %

Midoriya : EHHHHHHHH ?!?!

Todoroki : I knew it...

DNA Doctor : So the results came from somehow this kind of DNA, have you ask your mothers...?

Todoroki : wait...same hair color...

Midoriya : no way....

Todoroki : Thank you !

DNA Doctor : wait wait wait-

Todoroki : *closes the door

Midoriya : *sigh much..

DNA Doctor : It's free... I mean...our field is like the basic needs at this world reminding how many anonymous people arrived like form nowhere so...

Midoriya : thank you so much

DNA Doctor : Don't forget the results !

Midoriya : *takes the result .. again...thanks..

*door closed


To be continued

BNHA : Reflection Of Our Lives Through Multiverses And Exploring Itजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें