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Since Hufflepuff's victory, Ellie had gained much more attention and popularity. For the first time, her fellow house-members wanted to associate with the Seeker. For the past few days since Ellie's game-winning catch against the Chosen One, Ellie had been occupied with her new sense of popularity. Though many wanted to hang out with the Hufflepuff, Ellie often made excuses to continue regularly spending time with her girlfriend.

While Ellie enjoyed the attention, Hermione hated it. The protectiveness. The anger. It all came rushing to her as she watched Ellie get smoldered with attention.She hated how the students would get too close to her girlfriend, often flirting with the oblivious Ellie. Of course, she couldn't say anything to them, telling them to back off, being that Ellie wasn't ready to come out yet.

It was Monday, March 10th, 1997. Harry had regained consciousness and was set to be released from the hospital wing later that afternoon.

Slughorn had dismissed the students from his classroom, waving them off with a jolly smile. Ellie gathered her belongings and made her way to her girlfriend, who was still seated as she scribbled down notes on her parchment. She kept her head down in concentration as she dipped her quill in ink again.

"Class is over, Hermione," Ellie commented.

"I have to finish this assignment," Hermione mumbled as she continued to write.

"Professor didn't assign any assignments for today..."

"Yeah, I know. This is for next week."

"Blimey, Hermione. We're going to miss lunch if you don't take a break," Ellie commented, her hand leaning on the edge of the table.

Hermione looked up at her girlfriend, slightly bothered.

"Then you go on ahead. I'll meet you there," Hermione said quickly.

As the last bit of students shuffled out of the classroom, a Hufflepuff boy placed his hand on Ellie's shoulder.

"You'll be sitting at the Hufflepuff table today?" he asked eagerly, showing his obvious intent of sitting next to her.

"No, she'll be sitting at the Gryffindor table," Hermione snapped back, gripping her quill tightly.

"Sorry, Ernie," Ellie apologized as she shrugged her shoulders. The boy shuffled out of the room, slightly offended, leaving the two lovers  alone in the classroom.

As Ellie stood over her girlfriend, she brought her hand to tilt Hermione's chin up to face her.

"Jealous, my love?" Ellie said with a smirk.

Hermione rolled her eyes sarcastically as she blushed.

"I'm not jealous," Hermione defended, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ellie laughed light-heartedly as she pecked Hermione's lips. A smile crept up on Hermione's face, her mood now completely different.

"Go ahead, darling. I'll finish up here and meet you in the Great Hall."

"You'll be okay here? I'm actually going to check up on Harry before I head to lunch. If I'm not there, you'll know where I am," Ellie said with a smile, cupping Hermione's face.

"I'll be fine. I love you," Hermione said as she picked up her quill once more.

Ellie placed a quick kiss on her forehead as she adjusted her satchel on her shoulder.

"I love you too, beautiful," Ellie replied as she walked out of Potions classroom, heading towards the hospital wing.

Ellie entered the hospital wing, which was occupied by a single patient. Ellie made her way towards Harry's bedside, who was propped up on his elbow, rolling over the vial of Liquid Luck in his hands. She sat on the chair next to his bed, setting down her belongings.

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