HASRAT (my new story)

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"Mr Sami, I think I said something." Kainat once again tells him who wasn't paying any attention to her and was busy talking with his friends But what irked her more was the girl clinging on his arm and he wasn't doing anything.

She knew they were just friends and he belonged to a very open minded family but she didn't like someone being so close to her man.

Frustrated at his ignorance she huff and moves forward holding his arm she jerks him towards her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are being so damn clingy?" He literally roars at her making her flinch and stumble back in shock he jerks his arm away from her.

"When you can clearly see your not wanted here then why the fuck are you still here? Gosh you're so fucking annoying." He mutters angrily, brushing his hand through his hair she was shocked at his words.

Humiliated, tears filled her eyes seeing all his friends looking at her, some amused some with pity while some where openly making fun of her.

"What's wrong Sami?" She softly asks her once again trying her luck.

"Wrong? What's wrong? When the definition of wrong is standing Infront of me can anything be right?" He sarcastically asks her making her astonished at his choice of words.

"I'm so freaking annoyed of you. Always hanging on my arm like a fucking leech and entered our group just because Sehrish is your best friend. Ever looked at yourself and us? You don't have the standards to mix with us." He yells at her taking hold of her arm in his tight grip.

Kainat was speechless, she didn't knew why he was behaving like this, his words broke her to no extent.
She was a strong girl and she had many things to say but his behavior left her with no words for the first time in her life.

"I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to do this stupid engagement." Saying this he jerks her but stops hearing her hiss.

Her long hair which were open was now stuck in his watch, she hurriedly tried to remove her hair wanting to run away from here, she was embarassed as all his friends were still talking about her.

Getting frustrated he rolls his eyes before harshly tugging his hand away from his hair, making her gasp lightly as the pull broke her strands.

She looks at him completely heart broken, her one hand was on her temple trying to soothe the area while she furiously wiped the tears and turned away before looking at him one last time to see him looking some where else.

Taking small steps towards the exit she rubs her temple and looks at her hand when she felt slight wetness on it.


His pull was so strong that it nearly pulled her scalp off no wonder it started bleeding hurting like a bitch But this pain was less that what she was feeling.
Her poor fragile heart was already broken when he broke it more even after knowing everything about her.

She was about to open the door when someone else opens it from other side, she looks up.


"This is my work place Sami, please don't create a scene here and get out." Kainat sternly tells him who wasn't listening to her, still holding her hand in a tight grip.

"please listen to me..." he was about to say something when her pager goes off.

At the same time a nurse rushes to her, breathing heavily.

"There.... is an... "The nurse breaths heavily due to all the running.

" Take a breathe then tell me." Kainat pats her shoulder instantly calming her down, taking a deep breathe she continues.

"There is an emergency, ambulance is arriving I'm two minutes and the paramedics informed me that it's a case of serious accident and the person has gone into a cardiac arrest." Her eyes widen hearing the lasts words.

Tightening her ponytail she picks up her stethoscope and hurriedly walks towards the entry, thinking about the case and all the possibilities.

The door to ambulance was opened and a man was bought, rushing towards the entry while an EMT was doing CPR on him.

The sliding door opens, and kainat rushes towards and was about to ask his condition but stops seeing who the man was.

she lets out a loud gasp, completely horrified.

"shit shit, Aaban.." Kainat whispers hurriedly moving towards him.

They all stop seeing her reaction, pushing her way to him she takes the EMT'S place, straddling Aaban, continues performing the CPR while the gurney was rushed to the emergency ward.

tears welled up in her eyes seeing him in the condition.

"For God sake don't die on me Aaban, please!" She whispers, her vision blurry due to the tears.

While Sami watched, as she went berserk for him.


Do follow me on instagram please, to know more about my stories, my character's interviews, aesthetics, book covers and most importantly, TEASERS/SNEAK PEEKS!

INSTA ID: cheesyburgir

So this is my story!
Yup again a cousin love story and this will be a little cliche, little heart breaking, and loads of comedy.

I know the prologue isn't that interesting but believe me I'll not disappoint you with the story..

I'm sure you guys are gonna love it! So I'm gonna take a break from wattpad and will take some time to publish this book!
Till then please please wait for me!
And follow me so that you'll get to know when the book is released!

Those who don't want to follow shall I publish I note here when my this book is published?.

Anyways! Gimme an answer to that.
I won't mind publishing one.

Hoping to see you guys there.
Do give this book a try once its published.
This plot is really close to my heart as some of the scenes are written from personal experience and some true love stories!.

I hope you guys will love it!.

*hugs and kisses*


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