𝙭𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙞𝙞 ── spanner in the works

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chapter fourty-eight
❛⠀spanner in the works⠀❜

chapter fourty-eight❛⠀spanner in the works⠀❜

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roisin mcloughlin ── mcroisin
i have no words for the clear and disgusting violation of privacy that was posted on instagram earlier today. though both corpse and i have significant followings on social media and you may think you're entitled to our personal lives, you aren't.

roisin mcloughlin ── mcroisin
→ what we do or don't put on instagram, twitter, tiktok, is our decision. that decision was taken away from us when it came to our relationship, and i've never been so disappointed. when we announced that we were together, not only did i want it to be on my terms -

roisin mcloughlin ── mcroisin
→ but i also wanted to make it special for the community, and for us. now i'm left with this feeling of dread that our every move is being watched and i know that neither corpse nor myself can function like this. especially when corpse is anonymous.

roisin mcloughlin ── mcroisin
→ the worst part of all of this was that his face was almost revealed, without his permission. that makes me feel sick. think before you invade someone's privacy like that - and, more importantly, don't fucking do it at all.

Corpse Husband ── corpse_husband
→ I wasn't originally going to speak about this with Roisin having said her piece, and with me agreeing completely, but I need to get this off of my chest. I see some people in the replies saying that it's our fault that this got exposed. That's bullshit and you know it.

PRETTY VENOM, CORPSE HUSBAND ✓Where stories live. Discover now