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Waking up Saiki couldn't help but smile.  Getting up out of bed Saiki quickly got dressed and rushed down the stairs to the door.  Seeing him running to the door Kurumi asked, "what about breakfast?"

Saiki only continued to the door before getting his shoes on, "can't.  I got to meet someone before school."

Kurumi didn't get the chance to ask who before Saiki was out the door.  She couldn't help but cry.  Never in her wildest dreams did she think her baby boy would get a friend, let alone a girlfriend.

All she knew was the times to come will be amazing.

Running down the road Saiki ran past many people who stared at him funny.  It made sense though, after all they all thought he was a criminal until a few days ago.

Finally making it to Teruhashi's house he was ready to knock before she came out.  "Kusuo hi" she said practically glowing at seeing him at seeing him.

"What are you doing here" she asked as they began there walk to the school hand in hand.  Saiki gave a small smirk before answering, "I can't walk my girlfriend to school."  Yes he knew already.

How could Kusuo Saiki ever get a girlfriend, well after the whole dabacol with his brother him and Teruhashi had gotten together.

Teruhashi knudged his arm smiling the whole time, "why aren't you a gentleman.  By the way what happened to your brother?"

Saiki's face contorted into that of confusion.  After there fight Kusuke had gone on television to say him and Teruhashi were apart of a social experiment to test the public.  As in if there ever was a threat would they help the criminal or turn them in.  It was a bullshit reason but it kept them on the otherside of the bars so their all good.

After that all footage of Saiki and Teruhashi had been taken down and it all became yesterday's news.  Although they still got strange looks from people when walking by but that was to be expected.

In all honesty everyone else's opinions of them didn't matter as long as they had eachother they were fine.

Saiki didn't directly answer Teruhashi.  He didn't know what happened to his brother after all that either.  So instead he gave her hand a light squeeze and continued there walk.

After about 3 minutes of peaceful silence the school finally came into view.  At this point Teruhashi got nervous.  They had a plan for clearing this whole mess up but she was still nervous.  How could she not be, last time they came to school they beat Saiki to a inch of his life.  That was a exaggeration but she knew it could've been true. 

It just seemed like when it came to her it seemed all the guys in the school lose brain function.

Obviously reading her thoughts Saiki reassured her, "don't worry, just follow the plan this time." She knew he was referencing the boat but all she did was pout.  It did help her nerves though so she had to thank him.  "Thanks."

"No problem."

Finally making it to the school him and Teruhashi walked in.  Everyone stared at them, the two could tell just by their faces they wanted to rip Saiki apart.  But obviously Teruhashi glared back as they walked along the hallways into the classroom.

It was ironic because no one was in there except there friends.  As the door opened they all looked at them in shock, they hadn't seen Teruhashi since the whole yacht incident; well they did but they didn't know it was her; all of them only sat in silence as Saiki and Teruhashi walked up into the front of the class.

You could tell by their faces they had questions but the only one who dare speak up was Yumihara, "Teruhashi why are you with him.  Aren't you mad at what he put you through?"

Teruhashi was gonna get mad, she knew Yumihara was just looking out for her best interest but still she didn't have to be so mean.  So calming herself down Teruhashi explained, "this is all just a huge misunderstanding."

Everyone payed attention wanting to hear the rest of this explanation.  "Well you see Komi Saiki doesn't actually exist" Teruhashi said scratching the back of her neck.

Everyone in the room were confused at that statement.  Didn't exist?  They saw her plain as day, how could she not exist.

As they kept talking Saiki knew they wouldn't be able to finish explaining so all he did was slam his foot on the ground successfully quieting them all.  Teruhashi gave a low but audible 'thank you' but still scolded him in her mind about being nicer.

Continuing the explanation Teruhashi said, "well you see me and Saiki didn't know how you would react to us dating and he suggested just coming out and telling you guys but I wanted to be funny and make it seem like we had a child."  Obviously this was all fake but it was plausible enough to go as a explanation.

"And the person you saw as 'Komi' was actually Saiki's neighbor Yuuta."  Everyones faces contorted into that of shock as they realized what they had done.  They all belittled and insulted there friend without even getting the bigger picture.  To say they were all ashamed was a understatement, they wouldn't be suprised if Saiki hated them.

Everyone had a downcast look on there faces as they realized how wrong they were.  But finally someone spoke up and that was Nendou, "does that mean me and my buddy can get ramen now?"  Nendou said walking up to Saiki.

Everyone stared at Saiki waiting for any type of answer that would signal the make or break of there friendship.  Finally Saiki reacted by lifting his fist up and bumping it with Nendou's.

"Yeah buddy!!" Nendou shouted as he hugged Saiki much to his protests.  All Teruhashi did was laugh as she saw this interaction.

One by one all of there friends came up and apologized to them.  Each expressing how sorry they felt.  The last one was Yumihara.

"Okay listen I'm not gonna apologize cause I was trying to protect Kokomi but I guess I was in the wrong, so sorry." She said bowing.  All Teruhashi did was hug her friend causing her to begin weeping onto her shoulder.

Everything was fine now.  Everything was back to normal.


That wasn't right.

Everything wasn't normal it was better than normal.  Saiki had his life back, his friends and now a gorgeous girlfriend.  His life wasn't as disastrous as he thought it was.

It was perfect.

[A/N Thank you for reading my story.  Its been a long while and I'm glad to have finished it.  I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you all come back to read the rest of my stories.  I have plenty more that aren't published.  Thanks again.]

(Saiki x Teruhashi) When A Angel Falls For A GodWhere stories live. Discover now