Chapter 12 - Part 3

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[What's going on? He asked himself in self pity. He fell asleep as he thought back at the few memories he retained with clarity. The day of the accident.]

Haiden found himself in a small house, in a modest kitchen, sitting at a wooden table waiting for his food. Everything was too familiar. In front of him a woman hummed a pleasant tune he knew. From the sound of it she was chopping vegetables and paid him no mind. He looked around the room noticing it was eerily empty side for a few things the general concept of home would have. Nothing personal, nothing his or familiar. A fat mat slowly descended on the stairs taking his usual spot at Haiden's right at the end of the table. The man stared blankly at Haiden, not saying a word. This deeply disturbed Haiden. He knew this was a dream or nightmare. He had this exact same dream so many times before but this was the first time the man that Haiden labeled as his father stared so devoid of life at him. He usually is rather vocal right from the start.

Haiden wasn't scared, nothing was real, just a figment of his imagination. His guilt manifested by his subconsciousness. Or at least that's what he told himself. He tried to close his eyes shut, squeezing as much as he could and telling himself it was a dream and when he would open his eyes he would be back in his room at the Academy. But, of course, the easy way out never worked fo

A clank of plates made him look away from the man. Fresh cooked food appeared in front of him. It smelled amazing. The woman at the counter never stopped humming, never stopped chopping. As usual, she had her back at Haiden. He looked back at the man that still had his intense gaze on Haiden's face. The man reached and grabbed Haiden's hand making him jump with fright. His grip dug nails into his arm.

"You're hurting me!" Haiden said trying to pull his arm away.

"Hurting you?" The man spat at Haiden. "You killed us! And you're killing us again! Look at your son, woman! A killer!" The woman turned only to meet Haiden with the same disgust. Her eyes were identical with his but unsettling. Her constant humm distorted in a guttural sound that made Haiden sick. It was too similar to a certain creature he wished to forget. She inched close to him with a maniacal smile.

"Get away! You're not my parents!" He shouted and pulled his arm free scrambling for the door.

Haiden woke up in a sweat. His bead and covers were soaked. He felt a pang of pain on his arm and brushed his other hand over it only to feel four indents. He quickly made a light and he saw four fingernail marks dug in his skin.


Haiden had not been the same since Screech had told him that his memories were not lost but stolen. Someone purposely had taken Haiden's memories and he had no clue who or why. He had continued sparring with Tasgal, going to classes and be his usual self around everyone to to not give any hints that he knew. Master Rwoy and Headmistress Vice had confirmed the first day he got to the Academy that there were very powerful people that made it possible for Haiden to be here. They never once gave a hint at who it was. Haiden tried to stay after class with Master Rwoy and try to pry some information out of him but he either doesn't know anything about who it was or he was very guarded about the subject. He had to find a way to get more information but he didn't know how. So, he continued his everyday routine.

"Go Haiden!" Camila shouted from the stands along with a few onlookers. Haiden prepared to grapple a half naked Tasgal and with his right foot forward he lunged towards the Ash'en grabbing him by the legs. Haiden tried to push Tasgal to the ground but he didn't have enough strength to even budge him. Tasgal's chuckle made him purse his lips in annoyance, he sent a small force blast to knock his legs right from under the Ash'en. He lost balance for a moment and Haiden took advantage of the moment and jumped over Tasgal pining him to the ground and straddling him. He laid on top of the hunk of muscle using his Fios to hold his wrists to the ground. With his current strength he would never be able to hold Tasgal down.

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें