16 | captain my captain

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My head is pounding. The fog of sleep and confusion clear a bit as I begin to wake up. I attempt to open my eyes, only to snap them shut when the morning light sears them painfully. I groan as I sit up, keeping my eyes shut from the harsh sunlight.

Slowly, I open my eyes to the new day. Looking around, I realize I'm in my own bed in my dorm, wearing nothing but the black lingerie from my costume. The memories from last night wash over me gently. Dancing and drinking. Jack drove me home and put me to bed. And Levi . . .

Levi probably hates me.

I don't remember much beyond that.

I stand up and almost step on Jack. I smile, looking down at his sleeping form. He's sleeping on his stomach in just in his shorts with a blanket half-covering him. His bunny ears are still on his head, crookedly sitting among his mess of light hair. As I orient myself, I stare at his back muscles that tense as he moves slightly.

I check my phone, hoping there's something from Levi. I want to explain, to apologize for leading him on. I need to tell him that there's nothing there between us. I'm with Jack.

But my only texts are from Archer.

Wanna get breakfast?
I'm hungover and

What'd you do last
night anyway?

Whatever, we can talk
over breakfast

I'm on the way to
your place rn

I look back down at Jack sleeping in front of me. The last message was sent three minutes ago. Archer lives less than a five-minute walk from my dorm. I text back quickly, hoping he didn't take the car and isn't already standing outside my dorm room right now.

Can't do breakfast

You w someone?

No, I'm just not
at my dorm

Where are you?
I'll come get you

I contemplate telling him that I'm at Mya's. But there's a good chance that Archer knows where Mya is right now, and I can't risk him being suspicious. And I'm running out of time; he could be here any second. He replies before I can think of something else.

Ah shit
You're at Levi's
aren't you?

Say no more

I won't go
all overprotective
on you so I'll just
tell you to be safe

got it?

I type out a vehement no to his assumption, then delete it, realizing that Archer will burst through my door any second if he doesn't believe my cover story. I put my phone down, unable to muster up the courage to reply to Archer.

I mean, what's the harm in letting Archer believe what he wants to believe? I've told him a million times that Levi and I are not a thing. This is his assumption, not my lie.

Instead, I open Instagram and spend a few minutes searching for Levi's account. I find it. He only follows one-hundred-and-thirty-five people but has just over two-and-a-half thousand followers. No posts.

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