Chapter 16

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lol heres an update after 2 years hahaha. 

Elijah, Hayley, and Ember made their way through the eerily quiet warehouse; only their footsteps echoing among the crates. Ember's skin crawled, a quite unusual phenomena for the original hybrid.

The feeling was validated when the group turned a corner and came across a nauseating sight.

"Rebekah." Elijah called out as he ran forward. He didn't get very far before he was stopped by an invisible force.

Across the middle of the floor, surrounded by a pentagram of salt and candles, lay Rebekah. She looked more like a corpse than n immortal being as purple veins protruded from her pale gray skin. If it weren't for the the foreign symbol that was scribbled across her forehead Ember would have sworn Niklaus had found a way to dagger her sister.

"What's happening?" Hayley asked.

"It's a boundary spell. Someone is channeling her." Elijah responded as he examined the site, "Typically it's a lethal process. But, because she's an Original, she cannot die."

"Instead she's an endless source of power." Ember realized. The concept was uncomfortably familiar to the girl. "It's voodoo."

"Precisely." Elijah nodded his head.

"So, what do we do?" Hayley asked.

"I have no idea." Elijah sighed, "But a witch would." He turned towards his youngest sister and gave her an expecting look.

"What?" It took her a second before she realized what he was implying. "Do you think I have her on speed dial?"

"Dear sister, I don't mean to make assumptions, but the two of you seem awfully close." Elijah replied

The ironic truth was that Ember did have the harvest witch's phone number saved in her phone. Davina had added it the night the pair spent together in Mystic Falls. However, Ember was apprehensive to call the young witch for help.

She was ashamed of the way she had asked Davina to leave after she had not only saved her but waited by her bedside to recover. It had been a week since then and the two hadn't seen or spoken at all. It seemed inappropriate to Ember to only call the witch to get something from her

"Then don't make assumptions." She growled. Despite this she pulled out her phone and found Davina's contact. The groups options were limited and it was for Bekah.

The phone rang twice before Davina answered. Her voice sounded groggy, like she had just woken up, "Hello?"

"Davina... Darling." For a second Ember was at a loss of words, mesmerized by the witch's voice. She hadn't realized she'd missed it so much. Elijah cleared his throat, a knowing smile spread across his face.

Ember quickly snapped back into reality, shooting her brother a deadly glare. "My sister seems to have gotten herself into a bit of a situation with some witches. I was wondering if I could receive some consultation."

Davina did not speak for a few seconds and Ember was almost positive she was about to hang up in annoyance but instead an angelic laugh disrupted the silence, "I guess I won't charge you. What's going on?"

Elijah, who was listening to the entire conversation took the phone from his sister without warning. "She's stuck in a confinement spell" Ember held her arms up in annoyance but Elijah payed her no regard. "She's being syphoned for her energy."

"It's a convoluted spell, like a witches recipe. You're going to need some sort of mystical binding agent, maybe volcanic ash."

"That's not quite pouring off the shelves in New Orleans." Ember muttered as she paced back and forth. The sight of her beloved sister laying al grey and comatose was beginning to make her sick. It reminded her much too much of being daggerd.

"What about the blood of a witch?" Elijah asked as he stared off into the distance. Ember haulted her pacing in realization of what he was insinuating but before she could react Elijah was ending the call.

"She's on her way." He said as he turned off his phone.

"What the hell, Elijah?!" She growled.

"You would have never agreed to her coming to help. We don't have time for that." Elijah replied nonchalantly, "Besides, this angsty brooding thing you are doing is starting to become nauseating. Maybe if you see each other it'll be more bearable for the rest of us."

Ember didn't know how to respond.

"He's kind of right." Hayley piped in.

Ember growled and stormed outside for a smoke.

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