Part 3

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The boys finished the concert off with "steal my girl" and they all danced around like lunatics and I just kept giggling at them.

After the chaos on stage we were lead back to the dressing rooms backstage with the boys. I knock on the door and wait for it to be opened. A few seconds later Louis comes to the door with a big smile and he grabs the bag that was in my hand to make it easier for me to hold Emily.

"Is she okay?" I hear a strong Irish accent ask. "Yeah Niall she's just tired, she gets clingy to me when she's tired" he nods and carries on collecting all his things together. I look over to the left and I see Harry laying on the couch with his legs up. Louis clears his throat and Harry looks up and blushes when his eyes meet mine. He immediately moves his legs so I could sit down.

"Do you guys mind if I get Emily changed in to her night clothes? It will be really late when we get home tonight and I don't want to have to keep her up longer by getting her ready for bed" I ask with my eyes on Emily as she smiles and cuddles closer to me. "Of course love, don't worry about it. Here let me take her while you get her clothes" Harry reaches his arms out to take her. "Oh err... sorry Harry she doesn't really like being with anyone else when she's tired she kind of only wa-" I have to stop what I'm saying when I see Emily reach out for Harry.  He just smiles down at her and takes her onto his lap where she curls into a ball and snuggles into his chest.

I look towards Emily and she just sighs obviously getting comfortable. "You little traitor" I say and everyone in the room chuckles. "I'm quite surprised to be honest, she doesn't really let other people touch her when she is tired, she only wants me" after I said that Harry's eyes meet mine and he has a smirk on his face. "Yeah well I'm Harry Styles, everyone wants to cuddle me" I chuckle and shake my head. "Not everyone" I pipe back and he looks shocked but amused and I giggle more.

After a while of chatting with the boys and Emily falling asleep on Harry, we get ready to leave and I hug all the boys before leaving with Harry by my side since Emily is asleep cuddled into him.

"Where's your car" he asks and just as we approach it I click the unlock and he nods I guess he approves my car and I chuckle. "Um, Emily's seat is in the back I don't mind putting her in if you don't want to" he shakes his head and his curls shake with it, it was cute to see. "No worries I'll do it" I nod since I can't win and I put the bags in the passenger side whilst Harry puts Emily in but she stirs and wakes up.

"Harryyyy where are we?" She asks with her voice braking slightly since she just woke up, it was really cute. "I've just put you in the car Princess your going home with mummy now" he smiles at her "but I don't want to, I want to stay with you" she frowns and Harry sighs. "How about I speak to mummy and maybe I will come see you after my tour is finished yeah? I'll bring the other boys too!" He kisses her head at the end and she nods and smiles. "Goodnight Mr Harry" she giggles "goodnight little princess" she smiled and he waved at her coming outside the car again.

"So I promised Ems that I'd comes see her after tour, are you okay with that, I don't like seeing her unhappy, especially since she's very very well behaved and cute, she doesn't deserve sadness" he frowns and looks at the floor. "Of course Harry that's okay, you don't have to do that though she watches your interviews and the 'this is us' movie like everyday, she sees you every day" I chuckle and he smiles. "Well err could I maybe get your number so we could talk about the dates and stuff?" He smiles with tinted red cheeks and I smile at him and nod. He takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me unlocked. I type my number in and give it back to him. He smiles and saves it. I look up at him and he pulls his arms out for a hug and I accept it "Bye Mads see you soon" we both pull away and he goes up to Emily's window and blows her kisses through it. "Bye princess I'll see you soon" she nods smiles and tries to blow kisses back. He smiles at me and backs away from my car as I get in, I roll down my window and smile at him. "Be careful on the roads Mads, I'll text you later?" I nod and thank him for everything he has done and wave goodbye as I drive off.

By the time I got home and got Emily in bed it was around 11pm. I take a quick shower and go grab a glass of water. Just as I'm filling up my glass I hear my phone go off and I stop what I'm doing and walk over to it to check who was messaging me at this time of night, but the number is unknown?

unknown number:

hey Mads x

I sit and think who its from, but by just sitting there it's going to do nothing. So I reply to the number.

who's this? x

unknown number:
oh sorry it's Harry x

oh hey Harry, why are you texting this late? not that I'm complaining :)

Harry Styles:
oh sorry I didn't realise it's late, I just wanted to check you got home okay, sorry I'll let you sleep, I'm sorry x

On no don't worry I'm still awake, just getting ready for bed though and yeah we got home okay x

Harry styles:
I'm glad, I'll text you tomorrow to sort out some dates on when I can come see you and Emily x

Sounds good, goodnight Harry x

Harry styles:
Okay, goodnight Mads, sleep well x

You too Harry x

After texting Harry I head off to bed, falling asleep quickly with memories of the day playing over and over in my head. Meeting the boys to seeing them for the first time, to then ending up with Harry's number by the end of the night and saying goodnight to him.... it felt like a dream.

I wake up to Emily jumping up and down on me screaming about the boys and how she thought it was a dream but I reassure her it wasn't a dream and she really did meet the boys.

I was making lunch for Ems whilst she sits watching one direction videos on my phone when I hear her scream. I instantly run out to check on her and she just smiles so bright.

"Mummy you have Harry's number!!!! He just text you" I giggle at her reaction and I nod. "Can we FaceTime him? Please mummy?" I sigh and nod my head. I take my phone back from her and scroll through to Harry's contact and click FaceTime.  After a few dials he answers and his bright green eyes take up the screen.

"Hey Ems how are you?" She smiles at him and replies " I'm okay, I miss you" she puts on a pouty face and I giggle at her.  "I miss you too princess, hi Mads" he must have heard my giggle and Emily passes the phone to me whilst she goes to her room to get something. "Hey Harry, how are you?" I smile. "I'm good thank you and yourself" I nod " I'm good thanks, a little miss saw you text me and asked if we could FaceTime you, but she runs off" he chuckles and we end up talking to Harry for 30 minutes since he's on the bus and we speak to the other boys and Emily shows them all her cool one direction stuff.  Harry seems to enjoy talking to Emily and I find it sweet.

"I got to go Ems, I'll call you again tomorrow yeah?" She nods and runs away singing what makes you beautiful and Harry chuckles. "Mads I wanna talk to you quick" I smile and nod. " I just wanted to say you look beautiful today" he smiles and I blush so hard considering I wasn't wearing any makeup and I was just in sweats and an oversized T-shirt. "Thank you Harry" he nods and smiles. We say our goodbyes and I'm left with red cheeks and a screaming 5 year old...

Do you guys want Madelyn to look like Ariana grande? I feel like it kinda fits her and I can also get pictures to go along with the story, let me know what you think....

All the love

M x

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