Part 10

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Hey guys, this chapter will have a song In it, which is above but please don't play it until when it says otherwise you don't get the full experience xx

Mads Pov:

I walked outside with Emily's hand in mine with our stuff for the weekend away in Holmes chapel. Just as we got to the front door I made sure we have everything and I smiled as I locked the door.

Harry had already moved Emily's seat from my car to his and I smiled as I turned and he helped her in the car doing her seatbelt and giving her a kiss on the head. It was still quiet early in the morning, we wanted to get there early so I had time to get to know his mother and step father before meeting everyone else.

I put Emily's and my bags in the back and hop in the car ready to go. I put the bag on snacks on the floor in front of me whilst Harry connects his phone to the car.

"Mads, you know how like I trust you and everything" he says quietly because Emily Is going back to sleep.

"Yeah what is it H?" I smile looking at him whilst he reversed off the driveway.

"Can I play you a song from the new album? You can't tell anyone I played it for you though" I smile really brightly and nod. He stops the car and grabs his phone to play the song.

*play song now*

The tune begins to play and Louis voice comes through and it is very soothing his voice is so soft it's like I could fall asleep to it .

Next is Niall and his part is cool I like the melody and the soft sound of his voice, it's a big contrast to Louis but still amazing

Then Harry's part and I swear I almost melt when I here his voice it's so raspy and perfect, he's amazing, I'm in love with his voice . He sings "baby I'm perfect for you" whilst looking at me and I stare at him after as the song continues to progress. Every time Harry sings my heart beats faster and I start to sweat. The raspiness of his voice is so sexy and I can't even deny it I watch him as he sings and his jaw looks so sharp I could cut my finger on it.

God why does he have to look so good, even whilst driving he looks hot. Why? How? It's not fair. He holds the note then stops singing leaving his jaw sharp

Fuck he's hot!

"Thanks sunflower" he chuckles whilst grabbing my hand and rubbing his fingers over my knuckles. I blush a deep red.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud" he chuckles again and kisses my hand.

"It's okay don't worry, I think your hot too" he smiles at me before looking back to the road. My heart flutters and I can feel my face heating up.

I look over at Harry and I see he is checking on Emily in the mirrors which I find is so cute. Harry keeps singing the lyrics quietly and I can already tell he wrote this about someone, the way he is singing it so passionately it's cute. "So let's start right now" he sings a bit too loud making Emily stir and I just giggle at him tapping the steering wheel at the bridge of the song.

The song comes to an end and I smile so hard at him.

"So what did you think?" He asks quickly glancing at me then back to the roads.

"It's amazing Harry! Did you write it?" He chuckled and shakes his head. I look at him confused.

"Yeah I did.....I'm not sure about putting it on the album though" I slap his hand lightly as a joke. And he gives me a quick confused look.

"Harry you should've seen how into that song you were, of course your putting it on the album! And you and the boys sound really good in that one, I like it" I smile squeezing the hand he was still holding. He smiles and focuses on the road. "Soooo who's the song about?" I tease and he goes a deep red. I chuckle at him and rub his knuckles as though I'm saying it's okay not to answer.

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