episode 7

238 13 3

Seo Changbin

Hi good noon, can
I ask something

Helloo, yes of course.
What is it?

Regarding about the
new activity that was
posted today, are we just
gonna color the corresponding
parts of the skeletal system?

Yesyes, each part has a
specific color. Also, on
the next two pages there
are also questions provided
for you to answer. No
erasures and

Really? That's tough.
How can I pass this again?
Because it's in a book

If you have a scanner,
you can use that to convert
into pdf file and pass it,
or you can take a
picture of it and send it.

What if I'll have an
erasure on number?

The professor said that
he will deduct 20 points
every erasure

Really? Damn,
they are strict af

Yeah, my seniors told me
about this actually so
I'm not really surprised.
They are training us
students to have a
clean work

I can understand their
purpose but that's
really tough

Yeah, it very is

Answer the activities now,
it's already past 11 am and
the deadline will be at 1pm
Better be hurry and
again no erasure

Yes sir
I'll answer my
activities now

You really don't
have to call me sir, it makes
me feel old

It's because you are

Excuse me? As far as
I know, I am younger
than you

Well, I supposed that
you've stalked me well

I can say the same
to you Changbin

Welp, you're not wrong

Oh God, I feel ashamed
now that you see my pictures

Don't worry you
look cute


Oof the keyboard smash,
I guess you are flustered

Stop it Changbin,
where did
you get this much

I don't know, it just
hit me just now

Well, you better work now.
I'm already done with
my activities that's why
I can chat with you
freely right now

Really? Send
answers :3

We just met a few
days ago and you're like this

Also, I don't send answers
to someone I just met

You're like Elsa but
online school version

I don't know what to
feel about it, if I should
be happy or what

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