episode 10

224 9 6

"So today, we'll be having our oral recitation about the Skeletal System. I hope all of you are ready since we already discussed all kinds of bones, what their purpose is, what do they produce, and their types of bones. I will start in a few minutes" the professor said from the video conference

Seo Changbin

Gabshahabah i'm
not ready

Yeahh me too
hope you can't
answer later 😌

Hey! So rude
I hope the same
to you as well

Y'know, I already
reviewed the skeletal systems
but I'm still not confident
if I can answer those

This is nervewracking

"So now, I will start calling out names. Be ready" the professor continued

Shit's getting real

Yeah, my hands are
getting shaky af
I'm palpitating help

Good luck to you

Good luck to you
too uwu

The oral recitation went by and the two managed to answer the questions that were thrown at them.

"What part of the skull that is shaped like a butterfly?"

"Sphenoid Bone" Felix answered

"What is the major weight-bearing bone in the skeletal system?"

"Tibia" Changbin also answered next and was also correct

Before the professor ends, the professor announced a reading assignment and that is to read ahead about Muscular System

Seo Changbin

Damn, Muscular System
has a lot to familiarize

Yeah it does ;-;
I wanna give up but
at the same time I
don't want to

Yeah, the tuition
is pricey

Oof, spitting facts

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