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  ˗ˏˋ I BELIEVE ࿐ྂ
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** trigger warning : mentions of depression **

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ ✧.*

AT A LOCAL CAFÉ, the band sits, reggie and alex at one table, luke and y/n waiting for the paper and pen to come around for an opportunity to write their band. "yes!" luke whispers, writing julie and the phantoms' name down.

"you have really bad hand writing." y/n mutters as he scribbles it down.

"shut up." he nudges her, turning back to the table. "guys, being a ghost definitely has its privileges." he says as he and y/n sit down across from each other. "i just wrote our names on the playlist tonight."

"i'm getting a little worried about him." y/n whispers to alex, "he keeps forgetting julie quit the band." she says, getting louder.

"and that she's gonna come back once we have a great gig." he tells her with a smirk.

"but if she doesn't come back, let's not forget," reggie jumps in, "we do have somewhere else we can play and eat pizza."

y/n shakes her head. "i don't trust this caleb guy. it sounds too good to be true." from what they told her last night, after apologizing profusely, she was definitely more than a little creeped out.

luke agrees, "dude, i know it was great to be seen by lifers at caleb's party, but... but we got this with julie. we don't need him."

"exactly." y/n speaks.

right after she finishes, the boys get zapped again, making her jump and grab alex's hand, checking to make sure he's ok. "oh, it's the same thing again." he tells her.

"yeah, just like yesterday." luke says.

"it feels like that time i was fixing my amp in the rain." reggie says, slightly out of breath.

"you shouldn't..." y/n shakes her head at him.

"ok. whatever." alex shakes off his comment. "look, do you think something's wrong with us?" he asks them.

"yeah. yeah, we ate ten pounds of pizza yesterday without a stomach." luke explains, "i'm sure it's just our bodies working through it."

"and," alex adds, "it would explain why it's not happening to y/n."

"so we're just gonna forget about getting back at trevor?" reggie changes the topic. "that jerk stole our music."

✓ I BELIEVE | L. PATTERSONWhere stories live. Discover now