Chapter 5

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*idk if ive said this before but there will be cussing in this chapter. Not much but I thought I'd warn you. Okie, enjoy... This one gets good.*

Sodapops POV-

I stood up and held out my hand to help (y/n) up too. She smiled lightly.

"So where are we off too?" She giggled.

I smiled. She had such a cute laugh. It reminded me of when.... No... I couldnt think about that. "I dont know."

I held out my arm as a gentleman would and she went along with the joke. She took my arm and we started walking. A few seconds later, she burst out laughing. Or, we both did.

She shoved me lightly and pretended to be hurt, which made her laugh even more.

Neither of us knew the real reason we were so happy all of a sudden, but I concluded it was just enough to be in eachothers presence again.

We walked to the DX and Steves old car was parked outside. It still ran but since he got a newer one, he just left this one here. And it just so happens that I had a spare key.

We walked over to the passenger side and I opened the door for her. She got in and I walked to the drivers side and sat down. I didnt drive a lot but I did know plenty about cars.

I started the engine and we drove through town. We eventually got to the outskirts of Tulsa. We continued driving untill we reached a huge clearing, that lead to a cliff.

It was like something out of a movie that Ponyboy would watch. She gasped at the sight, and I didnt blame her.

There was a small town at the bottom of the cliff, with just a small amount of light coming from it.

I parked a little ways from the cliff and we got out. We ran to the dropoff and stood there in amazement. This was right outside our town the whole time, but we've never saw it.

"Golly, isn't it beautiful?" She asked.

"I can think of something more beautiful." I said without thinking. She looked at me smirking. "And what might that be?" She tempted.

"You." I said plainly, but I had a nervous smile plastered on my face. She looked shocked, but also flattered.

"I... Im sorry" I spoke up again. "I know you said that you only saw me as a friend..." I continued.

She looked down and blushed. "Well..." She half laughed. "Well?" I asked eagerly.

"Um... Maybe we should head back." She said, and it killed the whole mood. I screwed everything up. She liked Dally. I kept telling myself that she liked Dally. I could never be Dally. I never would be Dally. Therefore, her and I.... It just couldnt work.

We both silently walked to the car. How could I be so stupid. We wernt here for 10 minutes and I already made her feel like she had to leave. Damn me. Damn me to hell. I was reckless.

We started back to our town and headed towards my house.

"You know..." She started and I listened carefully. "I really should find ways to help myself get over Dallas..." She muttered. Great, even if she was implying that something could happen between us, I'd only be used to help her get over her ex... Could I live to accept that? Could she?!

I just stayed quiet. "Soda will you marry me?" She said abruptly.

My eyes went wide with shock as I slammed on the breaks.

"Huh?!" I almost yelled.

"Well now I know you're listening." She said in an annoyed tone.


"Could've fooled me." She said as she opened the door and got out.

"What on Earth are you doing?!" I yelled out to her.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She answered as she walked off.

All this because I said she was beautiful?!?!

I sighed and got out of the car also. I ran to catch up to her. I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

"(Y/n) you gotta tell me what the hell is going on!" I stated.

"Or what?" She scoffed.

"Or I'll... I'll-" I was cut off by a pair of soft lips crashing on to mine. My eyes, again, went wide but before I could kiss back, she pulled away.

"Maybe that'll shut you up." She said, not as if it was rude, but soft enough that it sounded like she knew I had nothing to say and wanted to help me out.

She rubbed the sides of her arms as the cool breeze swept through. She sighed, looked down, and turned away.

She started walking the opposite direction of me but I was in too much shock to move. I watched her walk untill she turned a corner. I went and got back in the car. I figured she wanted to be alone so I started back home.

(Y/n)'s POV-

I heard Sodas car drive off the other way, and I was fine with that. I was very conflicted. I dont know why I did that, and I dont know why I enjoyed it. As soon as I turned the corner of the building, I heard a voice yell out behind me...

Oh shit... It was Dallas.

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