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irondad is online

irondad: you need to make friends

ashley: lol nope

irondad: why not?

ashley: dad i've tried that
all they did was asked me when
you were gonna get home.

irondad: i've got you a friend

ashley: no omg that's worse

irondad: why? i'm helping you

ashley: paying people to be
friends with me isn't helping me

irondad: no, no. i know this
kid. he's nice. please just give it
a try.

ashley: nope.
wait it's a he?
double nope.

irondad: sweetie, i'm not gonna
be in this world forever.
and i don't want you to be lonely.

ashley: i don't have a problem
with being lonely
i'm not a people person

irondad: you can't be like this forever.
i gave the kid your number

ashley: YOU WHAT

irondad: well i just did.
go talk to him, his name's peter.
great kid
he's that spider-ling i brought to berlin

ashley: oh my god isn't he so

irondad: look you have some-
thing in common already

ashley: i literally hate u dad

irondad: no you don't

ashley: he texted me what
do i say

irondad: you say hello, start
a conversation

ashley: what did you get me into
dad i can't do this
this is too much pressure

irondad: yes you can
i believe in you, ash

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