The Vampires Pet - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I lay dazed on the bed, breathless and suddenly very lonely. Staring up at the high ceiling of the bedroom, I took a deep breath.

My first kiss.

It excited me. My lips tingled and felt slightly swollen from the passion in his kiss... Wait.

My master kissed me.

Sebastian kissed me.


My head swirled. Why did he have to stop? Was I not good enough? Did I do something wrong?

Shaking, I rose from the bed and went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. My lips were in fact red and swollen. My pupils had dialated as the ice in my eyes became a molten swirl of fire blue. My chest felt heavy and needy. Oh, why did he stop?

Running my fingers through my now tangled hair, I froze.

There, right on the side of my neck was two fang marks already in the process of healing. Realising now that my lips weren't red from the kiss. They were red because I had blood smeared all over from... From?

Images flashed through my mind of Sebastian suddenly grabbing me and plunging his fangs deep into the artery of my neck. I remembered the dizziness as I suddenly passed out. More images came flashing as if lightning were charging my thoughs. Sebastian laying above me as flesh covered my mouth, drowning me with liquid.

The exploding taste of rust upon my tastebuds had me suddenly retching over the toilet. More followed as the red liquid forced its way up my throat.

"I've never had this effect on a woman before." Sebastian's voice suddenly came from behind me, startling me. Sympathy and regret practically dripped off his face as he stared at me gravely, a sudden flash of a smile as he said, "It's refreshing."

Unable to speak, I did the lady-like thing and hurled all the more. A hand rubbed the lower of my back sympathetic yet firm.

When I could no longer bring anything else up, a glass of water appeared in front of my face. Taking it with a slight shake to my hand, I swirled it around my teeth and spat the water into the toilet. Then I drank the clear elixar greedily.

"Thank you." I gasped, feeling the cool water settle in my stomache.

Grasping my upper arms, Sebastian helped me stand up and smiled. "You're welcome, Hallie."

I gave him a weak smile and made to move out of the bathroom. Instead, Sebastian took my hand in his own firm fingers and said, "Hallie, I'm sorry. I took too much blood. I almost killed you."

"You didn't." I murmured soft.

A frown curved his lips. "But you would have if I didn't give you my blood."

A sudden thought occured to me. "I'm not going to become a vampire, am I?"

"No. Just don't go getting yourself killed in the next twenty-four hours and you'll be okay."

The serious warning made me believe, without doubt, that he wasn't joking. His hand suddenly curved around my jaw and gave me a light stroke. "What I did... It was wrong, Hallie."

"Why?" My brows drew together in confusion.

"It's frowned upon." He murmured. "This can't happen again. I can't let it."

"We just kissed, Sebastian."

"If I didn't restrain myself it would have become more than a kiss-" He suddenly stopped speaking and stared at my lips before looking back up at me. "You called me Sebastian."

Panic suddenly shot through me as if Zeus himself had just hurled a thunderbolt threw my heart. "I'm sorry, Master!"

"I like the sound of my name on your lips." Before I knew what was happening, his lips came down on mine. Only this time, it was soft and sweet. Just a light taste. Feeling the sudden tension of his mouth, he pulled away and whispered. "Please, God, help me."

Taking a deep breath, anger rose that I just couldn't contain. "You're right."

"What about this time?"

"You're my master. I'm a pet in your eyes. But do not ever forget that I'm still human. I'm not vermin. You may think you're superior to us humans but without us you wouldn't survive. Punish me for speaking my mind, I don't care. I speak the truth, even if it's not what people want to hear." I snarled, pushing myself away from him. "How does it feel kissing vermin?"

"I've never saw you as vermin, Hallie." Sebastian frowned.

"Well maybe you should!" I cried, outraged. "I don't want to be played with. I have feelings too. You can't just kiss me and then suddenly ignore me. If you want a pet, buy a real dog. Not me."

And with that, I stormed from the bathroom.

Suddenly pushed up against the wall, Sebastian held himself against me, restraining me. "I have feelings too, Hallie. I want you. Not just for the night. I want you forever. In the short time of knowing you, I've felt something for you that's wrong. I've spent millions of life times alone, feeling dead. And suddenly I feel reborn whenever I'm with you."

Instantly, I softened towards him. If this man was lying, he was a damn good liar!

"Why do we have to tell anyone?" I whispered, barely audible.

"Because a secret doesn't stay secret forever."

"You said it happens. It's frowned upon, but it happens."

"Yes, to lower vampires. I'm a powerful vampire here to set examples." He breathed, intoxicating me with his scent alone.

"So start setting them." My voice became light as I stared at his mouth. "Change the rules."

"I can't."

I bit my lip, fighting tears. "You won't."

And with that, I ducked under his arm and left the room.

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