The Vampires Pet - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The crowd went crazy as more shots were fired and more bodies fell. 

I clung on to Erica tightly. Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. The crowd was hectic. 

"Hallie duck!" Erica's high pitched scream sounded. 

We both dropped to the ground as a bullet shot past my head. 

Oh god, I silently screamed. 

"Come on, Erica." I urged, pulling myself and the little girl up. "We have to get back to the car."

In the end I had to pick Erica up and wade my way through the hysterical crowd. People were fighting to get into cars and escape. Grenade-type machines were being flung from somewhere only instead of it blowing up, spikes spiraled from them hitting vampires and humans alike. Tiny peices of wood jutted from humans and vampires, entering precious bodyily organs. Some died quickly, some suffered badly, and some were going to be okay. 

I could see masked men running up to fallen vampires and staking them in the heart before a vampire caught them and took them down. 

I still couldn't see Sebastian anywhere as I ran past people, Erica whispering their thoughts in my ear so I knew when to stop, when to move, when to hide, and when to scream and turn the other way. 

It was a bloodbath. 

Even some of the vampires "pets" were attacking their masters. Vampires were attacking left, right and center, trying their hardest to take down the attackers. 

I saw our car in sight. Vampires were launching like animals at any human in sight. Blood bathed the floor like the Red River and humans laywith body parts torn out, still some alive barely. 

A bulking figure slammed into my body that hard I felt something break inside of me. The air in my panting lungs whooshed out of me, forcing black spots to wink behind my eyelids. 

"Sebastian!" I screeched with my last breath, falling hard and hitting the floor. 

Erica's scream sounded in my ear. 

I gripped Erica to my chest with all of my last strength, rolling her under me as people began trampoling and falling upon me. 

Hands rounded under my arms and lifted me with unnatural strength, causing pain in my lower ribs. Erica was ripped from me and I turned to find myself staring into the eyes of a vampire. His eyes were so dark they were almost black. 

It terrified me. 

With a feral growl from the pit of his stomach, his teeth sunk into my neck.

"Leave her alone!" I heard Erica shout distantly, as my body became paralized from the shock of the attack. 

I shoved at his broad chest with all of my might, only my wriggling made his teeth sink deeper and the bite became more jaggered, causing only more pain. 

I felt myself winking in and out of conciousness as screaming echoed as though someone slowed life down to an almost stop. 

And then he was gone and I felt myself fall to the floor. 

Dazed I glanced up to see the silhouette of a large hulking figure. He had the man by the jaw with one hand and his hand shoulder. With a snarl deadly enough to knock a male lion down, he pulled the mans head clean off. 

As the vampires lifeless body fell to the ground with some of my blood spilling from it, the figure dropped the head and leaned over me. 

Without a word, the figure picked me up as gently as possible and held me against his chest. I moaned with pain even still. 

The Vampires PetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora