If Only You Could See: Shindou

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Welcome back to the AR one-shot collection! This particular one-shot is actually much more in line with the official Accidental Reverse story, and therefore it contains several spoilers, so please be warned of that!

There will be more information in the author's note at the end.

Anyway, for now... I'm a little nervous for this chapter, since it took quite a drastic, angsty turn when I didn't intent for that to happen, so I hope you will all enjoy it still. Now, please enjoy Accidental Reverse from Shindou's perspective!


It's not like Shindou has anything against hospital rooms.

He stayed in one himself, for a while after the Arakumo match – almost didn't get out in time for the finals, but beyond that, it wasn't that bad. He's never understood the cliché.

Now he thinks he might, just a little. Because it's so much worse when it's not him lying in that bed. And sitting here, next to someone who has, against all odds, become one of his best friends – someone usually so cheerful and lively – only makes it worse.

Because now the only thing he can do is think.

Shindou remembers the first time he met Tenma very well.

Considering the younger was standing on a destroyed field, facing what could only be a Seed, about to be hit in the face by a soccer ball... well, it's hard to forget that. Shindou's first impression of him was arguably not the nicest; a naïve first-year who thought he could involve himself in the soccer club's business.

That impression lasted a whole of two minutes before Tenma cheerfully threw it back in his face.

The big clue? Tenma laughing at his introduction. Shindou still doesn't know the reason for that (doubts he ever will, because if there's one thing he's learnt about his young friend it's that there's just no understanding what is going on in that head of his), but he does remember his indignity at the disrespect. It was an incredibly serious situation, people were hurt, everything the Raimon soccer club stood for was being challenged. And Tenma laughed.

From there on, of course, it only escalated. Because it's become obvious, in the last few months, that nothing less is possible whenever Tenma is even remotely involved.

'Wasure Teta'. Whatever possessed the young brunet to introduce himself like that- admittedly, even Shindou forgot his indignation for a second there in his utter confusion. Although, thinking back on it now, it was pretty funny.

And then Tenma called the Black Knights bees, and really, that should've been enough warning.

Still. Shindou's second impression was not all that better, he's ashamed to admit now.

But- in his defense, Tenma just... randomly appeared and defied every expectation any of them had! He called a Seed a stalker, then sympathized with him. He seemed to find it amusing to mess with the team, but didn't hesitate to throw himself in harm's way for them. He annoyed Shindou so much- and somehow still convinced him to fight when he was dead set on quitting.

And then Sangoku talked to him.

(The two of them stayed behind in the club room after practice; it was Shindou's turn to clean up that day and Sangoku, saint that he was, had offered to help. It wasn't as if there was a huge mess, but the captain appreciated the company nonetheless.

They worked in comfortable silence for a bit when Shindou finally voiced the thought that had been plaguing him for quite a while.

''You've been talking with Matsukaze.''

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