Internet Famous

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Welcome back to the one-shot collection! For those who were hoping for a next part of the previous chapter, I'll have to disappoint. This is an idea that I've been working on for a while and unfortunately lost inspiration for until recently.

Now, I hope you'll enjoy it!


You see, it's not really that they're famous.

Granted, Raimon is the current number one team in the country, and several of their players ended up joining the team that won the first intergalactic tournament in history (boy, was it fun when that came out to the regular public), but for all intents and purposes, they're still just regular teenagers.

Then again, no one can deny Raimon's potential. And they've gathered quite some attention – Gouenji has had to do quite some work to ensure no outside parties could approach them.

So, technically, they're not celebrities or whatever. It's just that people sometimes recognize them when they walk down the street. There's been a few sports magazines and programs that have contacted their coach for interviews, or asked them questions after matches or during events from the Youth Soccer Association.

They're just. Well-known teens. Who happen to be fucking terrifying at sports, but, y'know, details.

So no, it's not really their soccer that turns them into an internet sensation.

The one who should be blamed for that particular development is, surprisingly enough, Ichino.


There's a blond blur in the middle of the screen. It's a bit shaky before the camera focuses.

''Does this thing work?'' mutters the blur – revealed to be a teenager in the middle of what's probably his bedroom. ''I think so.''

Satisfied that it's recording, the teen leans back. Crosses his arms.

''So. Hey there,'' he says to the camera, grimacing a bit. ''This is awkward, but who the fuck cares. Not me, at least. I'd edit this out but I don't know how.'' He shakes his head. ''Anyway. My name's Ichino Nanasuke, I'm a second-year and a midfielder for Raimon Junior High's soccer club, so maybe you've heard of me. Probably not since I'm not a crazy terrifying maniac like some people. Which brings me to my next point.''

Ichino pauses in his ramblings, then, and makes direct eye contact with the camera.

''My teammates are fucking insane. And I've decided to film it for specific end purposes only known to me. Not for possibly getting them thrown in jail or something, promise.'' His blank face doesn't look particularly believable. ''Enjoy, I guess.''

Belatedly, he throws a peace sign, completely deadpan.

There's a moment of silence. Ichino is still staring pointedly into the camera. The silence is becoming a bit awkward as it lasts, until he finally says, ''Let's start. Maybe you know Shindou Takuto? He's considered one of the best strategists in the youth soccer division right now.''

And for the first time, Ichino smiles. It shows way too many teeth.

Then the camera cuts out.


The video suddenly lights up to show half of the Raimon team, spread out over their outside soccer field – the school can be seen in the background – probably taking a break from training or something.

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