Chapter Four

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The next day, Robin joined Daphne to wait for suitors. She didn't expect anyone for herself, of course, since she had danced with no one besides Sherlock Holmes, and he most certainly wasn't going to court her.

Daphne, however, should have had men lining up down the street. Sadly for her, though, no one materialized when it was finally a proper time to begin calling. She sighed and flopped down on one of the sofas, glancing at her mother.

"Anthony's absolutely ruined my chances," she declared. "No eligible man could get close enough for me to speak to them and decide if I even wanted to marry them. He had a reason to be against every single one."

"I'll talk to him, dear," Violet soothed her, sitting down beside her and hugging her gently.

"Oh, but I'm being horribly rude," Daphne moaned, glancing at Robin now. "Robin, did you meet anyone you liked? Anyone who might call?"

"Hardly," Robin replied. "Though now that I've made a public appearance and the rumor is circulating that your mother is providing my dowry, that might change. Don't worry about me, Daphne. I'm quite sore with Anthony for being so strict with you. You should have all of the say in who you marry, quite frankly. It's your life, not his."

"Try telling him that," Daphne muttered as her brother strode into the room with his characteristic arrogant swagger.

Anthony grabbed several biscuits and turned to the women. "I didn't expect Robin to get the first caller of the season. Congratulations, cousin."

Robin blinked in surprise. "Pardon?" she asked, entirely confused.

"There's a man here for you. It's that fellow you danced with last night. The detective. Sherlock Holmes."

Robin stood up quickly, her eyes moving to the door as she waited for him to enter. "Sherlock Holmes is here to see me?" she wondered incredulously.

"Is there something objectionable about him?" Anthony questioned her. "As we discussed yesterday, he's from a good family, and he's quite wealthy. He doesn't seem to have any of the usual bad habits, either. Gambling, women. He's slightly eccentric, of course, considering his odd profession for a gentleman, but that hardly makes him unsuitable. I can tell him to leave if you like, though."

"No, no," Robin quickly corrected him. "I was just under the impression from our conversation last night that he wasn't particularly interested."

Anthony shrugged. "Well, as I said, he's eccentric. Perhaps you misread him."

At that moment, Sherlock Holmes appeared in the doorway. He bowed rather stiffly and announced, "I am here to call on Miss Ballard, if she will permit me."

Robin nodded and felt herself flush. "Of course, Mr. Holmes."

She was sure he had some other purpose for being here. There was no possible way he was calling on her as a suitor.

"Let's adjourn to the study, Anthony," Violet suggested. "I have some things to discuss with you. That's where I will be if you need me, Robin."

Robin knew what Violet meant. She thought the detective might make an offer of marriage that she would need to negotiate. Robin simply nodded, not wanting to dash her hopes just yet.

"I'll be in my room if anyone calls for me," Daphne decided demurely.

Robin smiled to herself. They were all very graciously leaving them alone to talk. Which was probably good, considering that she had no idea what he was going to say.

She would marry him if he asked. She wouldn't be able to resist. But she was being very careful about actually wishing for that. As far as anyone knew, Sherlock Holmes was not looking for a wife.

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