Chapter Sixteen

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Sherlock returned to Robin's home later that evening, his finished sketch tucked safely inside his jacket. When he stepped into the foyer, he saw Robin standing there waiting for him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, staring at her openly.

She was back in the dress she'd worn the night they met, white muslin embroidered with lavender flowers. She had two beautiful white feathers in her hair this time, and she looked absolutely ravishing.

"Much better, thank you, Sherlock," she assured him, looking him over. "You got your new clothes from the tailor."

He nodded. "I did. Do you approve?"

He'd selected one of the dark blue suits and the silver brocade vest. He felt entirely ostentatious, but he could tell from the way she was looking at him that he had chosen well.

"I do. You're positively dashing, Sherlock."

He blushed and hung his head. "Did you, um, receive your trousseau yet?" he wondered.

"Everything except my wedding dress, yes. That will take a little longer to make."

"Of course. I... can't wait to see you in it," he said quietly.

That comment hung in the air between them for a moment. Then she broke the silence.

"I've made some vague inquiries amongst the ton, and I believe I know who Miss Beverley's confidante is."


He took her arm to lead her to the carriage as she explained. "Miss Cressida Cowper. She's a ridiculous woman, one of the worst when it comes to trying to worm her way into a man's heart. She was courting the prince who liked Daphne. She also thinks Daphne stole him from her, which is delusional, but I can use it to my advantage. I told Daphne about my plan earlier, just in case she overhears. She approved."

"Ah," he realized. "You're going to speak poorly of Daphne to get into Miss Cowper's good graces."

"Exactly. I'm sure it won't be a fun conversation for me, but hopefully I can get what we need."

"I have immense faith in you, Robin."

"I hope it's not misplaced, Sherlock."

"It's not, Robin," he assured her.

"It also means that you will need to dance with Daphne," she informed him slowly, biting her lip as she looked up at him.

He grimaced. "Hm. To convince Miss Cowper that you are jealous of her, I assume."

"Yes. I'm sorry. I know you don't like dancing. But it's the easiest way. You'll be the center of attention, thanks to your fame and Daphne's current status. Everyone will notice you, especially Cressida, since she's so intently focused on Daphne right now."

"I like dancing with you," he corrected her as he helped her into the carriage and climbed up beside her. "But your cousin is tolerable, I suppose," he teased. "I can dance with her if it helps our case."

"She's excited to assist," Robin told him. "I'm sure it won't be too bad."

"As long as I end the night dancing with you, I'll be satisfied."

"My dance card is only for you, Sherlock."

He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, making her sigh softly. Violet entered the carriage and sat across from them, smiling as she observed.

Sherlock made good on Robin's plan and requested Daphne's first two dances as soon as they entered the ballroom. Daphne agreed and Robin drifted to the refreshments table, which was where Cressida spent most dances since being shunned by the prince.

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