Part 10: The Doctor

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 It was as if time had slowed down, not because Rebecca could control time, that wasn't it at all. Most likely because she was in danger and at any moment that thing could find her. She flipped through the book, looking for any indication on how to close the God forsaken portal in which all hell would surely be let loose.

As she was flipping through the pages, a low yet eerie moan could be heard from the other room. The rate at which her heart was beating began to accelerate. She didn't have enough time, or didn't think she had enough time to complete what was expected of her. She continued through the final pages, when the panic started to set in. There is much information about portals, but how to close them are, from what it seems, not in this book.

Finally, Rebecca arrived at the last chapter which read "Closing a portal that may almost certainly lead to one's doom." Oddly specific. She quickly read through the final pages, not before the thing had breached the secret room in which she was reading.

"Just a few more paragraphs." Rebecca had mumbled under her breath, "Just a few more paragraphs and I can end this nightmare."

One paragraph remained. The thing was now 30 feet from her. Rebecca's heart felt as if it were going to explode, beating faster with every passing second. She didn't know if she would survive this encounter, but she had to try. Nothing would stop her from saving the ones she cared about, from saving the world in which she holds so dear.

The last and final words, "In order to close a portal that may almost certainly lead to one's doom, a sacrifice must be made. One must take their own life in order to save the lives of countless others.

So a sacrifice had to be made, but how could Rebecca make that sacrifice if she was already dead? Unless, she wasn't really dead and existed between both planes of life and death. This is what she was meant for. Her destiny led up to this very moment. She had to end this once and for all.

She didn't know how to make this sacrifice, but the only thing she could do is try. Rebecca grinned at the thing, or tried to what with the extended jaw. She then gave a little wave and bolted through the wall, not before the thing had clawed at her arm, leaving a gaping wound. She headed for the portal, holding onto her now wounded arm. The thing let out a loud and ear piercing howl. Finally, she arrived at the portal. The transformation was slowly and yet undoubtedly happening. She only had a few moments to spare before her mind was no longer her own.

They say your life flashes before your eyes moments before your own death, but with Rebecca this was untrue. The only thing that really happened was the voices in her head, trying to convince her not to do what she was about to do. She pulled out her pocket knife which her grandfather gave her long ago, which was now as transparent as she was, and began hacking at herself. Thrusting the knife deeply into her own neck.

Surprisingly she felt the pain, and her body began to vanish. Starting with her legs, then moving upward. Tears fell from her face as she tried to remember the time she spent in this world, but all she could hear and think of were the screams of the ones who invaded her mind. Her head was the only thing that remains now, and soon that too would vanish. She looked up at the portal which was slowly but surely shrinking. She then looked at Mike, Devian and Aunt who were seemingly normal again.

Rebecca had done it, she had saved the world... For now, but if ever the time comes that this monstrosity of an event should happen again, she had hopes that one would step up and have the same courage that she had, to save the world from its inevitable eternal damnation. Finally, her head too was gone, and everything went silent. 


This finale written by TheDoctor

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