"Isn't lemon tea just lukewarm herbal lemonade?"
"It's just a question bAka"
A story where Y/n gets sucked into the world of her favorite game!
what does she do?
of course as the' main protagonist ' of an isekai, she decides t...
Its about three o'clock in the morning, and our dear (Y/N) is up playing a very popular game on her pc, called Genshin Impact
She groans as she stretchers her arms and looks at the clock
"...... holy shit its the cursed hours....."
She grabbed her phone off the table and set an alarm for 8:00 am
She proceeded to do all her nightly routines and climbed onto her bed
Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
(something like this, it can be ur own colors but it won't matter for long )
Sighing she grabs her phone and decides to scroll through Pinterest for some Genshin memes, looking at the time she noticed that her battery was low and climbed down the stairs to fetch her charger
While she was looking through her drawers she started to hear a ripping noise from behind her
Turning around she noticed a HUGE tear in her floor.
"Haha yeah.... i must be sleep deprived ...."
She rubbed her eyes only to hear the ripping noise getting louder
she had grabbed on to her freshly found charger and her phone for dear life as everything small started to get sucked into the tear in her floor.
slowly the pulling force got larger and she grabbed onto her bed, dropping her phone and charger to the floor and watched sadly as it got devoured by the tear.
she started to loose her grip slowly, crying a little she yelled out to her mom to help, only for her not to be heard
as she lost her grip, everything went in slow motion
she slowly got sucked into the tear she screamed as loud as she could, only for her to disappear from this very world.
I continued to scream as my butt hit something very hard, yeah a rock, i think i broke my pelvis...
Sighing i stand up and look around, though i might seem to be calm but right now I'm fighting back breaking down and dying right there
looking around, i see a few things from my room scattered around the grass including my bag, phone and charger. a few other things where there but they where just bags of empty bags of chips and candy rappers, i kneel down to pick up my phone and bag leaving the trash for the world to care for
letting out another heavy sigh I stand up and slowly walk for a little bit until i noticed the end of a cliff
Walking over to it like the dumbass i am, i sit at the edge and look down
yeah cue me eternally pissed at the lack of height from the ground, i look over to the left, where i notice... a kingdom?
And then my dumbass decides to lean forward to get a better look, yeah i guess the cliff didn't like that i littered and decided to break its edge off
and i fell AGAIN
this time instead of my ass i hit my head on a rock
"FUckkkkking hellll... "
You hissed out loud
bringing my hand to my head i pull it back to see a smear of blood on myfinger tips, then the nasty copper smell hits my nose
i started to get a little less aware of the men approaching me
starting to get dizzy i lay my head back on the grass and slowly fadeout of consciousness
only hearing a little phrase of a
"Hey...away from her! "
Meh i didn't care, take me away from t 'is cruel world for all i care