"Ah! There she is! The lady of the hour!" Tony calls out in greeting as you near where he, along with Steve and Rhodey are now sitting on the few couches in the area, their conversation you'd been watching from earlier instantly evaporating.
You just roll your eyes with a chuckle as you take a seat beside Steve, dipping your head in acknowledgement to the other two across from you.
"So? What have you fine gentleman been chatting about this evening?" You hum, grabbing the pillow out from behind your back and placing it at your feet.
"You, actually. You know-" Rhodey begins, only to be silenced by Tony with a exaggerated clearing of his throat.
"You know far more than I do about Quantum Physics," He continues, as your expression shifts into a frown.
"I do no-"
"I was informing these gentlemen of how you've been helping me with my latest project."
"You haven't been working with Quantum Phy-"
However, this time, it's not Tony who cuts you off.
Rather, it's Rhodey, who just begins to laugh hysterically.
"You both have to the worst liars I have ever met," He wheezes, elbowing the now rather stern looking man next to him. "Right, Cap?"
The man beside you just shakes his head with a chuckle.
"You two argue like an old married couple!" Natasha quips as she saunters past where we're all sitting, having heard the conversation that had just occurred before she's gone again.
A slight grin begins to tug at your lips as you allow your gaze to wander over the figures of people mingling all around, seeming to be having a good time.
Though, as your eyes wander towards the main doors to the large space everyone is currently situated in, the smile is wiped off your features, instead being replaced by an expression of confusion and concern.
Noticing your sudden shift in attitude, the three men around you follow your gaze, their own expressions shifting to match yours.
"Who are they?" You mutter, watching warily as three men in dark suits stroll into the area, bee-lining straight for you and your small group.
"Good question," Tony grumbles, sharing a nod with his friend, who begins to make his way to his feet. "Let's find out."
Before you could even think to stop him or come up with a better idea, Tony is already meeting the three newcomers halfway, greeting each with a firm handshake.
"I don't like this," Steve's sudden voice from behind you sounds, causing you to tear your gaze from where it had been to face him. "The party's almost over. Why show up now?"
"I don't think they're here to party," You hum, gaze returning to where it had been before Steve had spoke.
Now, however, there's only one newcomer standing with the brown haired billionaire.
"They split up," You mutter lowly, scrambling to your feet while Rogers does the same, following you as you make your way to Tony's side.
"S.H.I.E.L.D disbanded," You hear your Partner explain to the man in front of him. "So surely you understand why I'm having an extremely difficult time believing you were sent on behalf of Nick Fury."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly, coming to a halt in front of the newcomer.
"That's your alibi? Seriously?" You exclaim loudly, hoping to get the notice of the rest of the Team. "S.H.I.E.L.D is no more. So who exactly are you and why are you here?"
At this, the man in front of you chuckles darkly, making all three of you step backward to put some distance between the newcomer.
"We just want to talk, really. That's all," He explains slowly as the rest of the Avengers form behind you, Tony and Steve.
"Well then let's talk. Tell your other two goons to get back here, then," The man beside you states, crossing his arms over his chest.
You watch in your peripheral as Nat begins to reach for the likely firearm tucked away on her upper thigh while Thor grabs Mjölnir off of the table he had set it on earlier.
A sudden wave of panic floods you as realization sets in.
Well this is great.
The three people without any defensive weaponry are all up front, facing this guy.
We're so incredibly smart.
Noticing the movements of the people behind you, the man in front of you instantly draws his firearm, waving it between the three of you.
The sound of a pistol being loaded from behind you reaches your senses as Natasha pushes her way in between both you and Tony, her own weapon aimed at the opposition.
"Stand down. We outnumber you," She warns, as Thor steps forward as well, pushing the three of us behind the two of them.
"You heard the lady. Stand down," Clint orders from behind the man holding the gun, his own weapon at the ready.
"You brought a bow and arrow to a gunfight," The newcomer sneers, turning his back to the larger group of us to face the archer. "How foolish."
"I wouldn't say so," Comes the reply as the whisper quiet sound of an arrow leaving the string and hitting its target sounds, sending the entire situation into chaos.
The man reels backward as Clint's arrow impales his shoulder, sending his firearm skipping across the tiled floor.
"So much for a diplomatic resolution!" You huff, jumping over the top of a nearby table and pulling it down with you, your Partner hot on your heels as the sound of gunfire begins.
"I didn't know Clint was gonna impale the guy with an arrow!" Tony protests in response, wincing as the sound of the gunfire is pierced by the sound of shattering glass.
"Where's Rhodes?" You question, steadying your breathing as the gravity of the situation settles within you.
"He should be getting the last of the civilians out now... If he hasn't been sidetracked."
"That's what that nod was about earlier, wasn't it?"
"What nod?"
"I'm not oblivious to your slightest actions, Stark."
He groans, running a hand down his face.
"Sure. Yes. We already had discussed what to do in case something were to happen like this."
"So you knew?"
"No!" He scoffs, giving you an exasperated look. "But it never hurts to have a plan B."
"Speaking of a plan B, any idea how we can get to our suits?" You mutter, risking a glance to survey the battle unfolding behind the pair of you.
Where there once was one man, there are now at least ten, all armed.
Natasha, Thor, and Clint are all fist to cuffs with the opposing forces, not seeming to be making much progress as more and more armed men in suits pour through the broken windows on either side of the room.